Saturday, January 25, 2025

Confused & Depressed..........


The Math Just Ain't Mathin' ......

In many facets of life, I keep my mouth shut.  Not always, of course, but I try to avoid political talk as several people I know voted red and many are women.

While I've always told my children that common sense is a gift, it's not a given, as not everyone has it, I do respect the fact that we each can choose whom we want to support, but it makes me wonder where the ethics of many has gone.  

To support someone who has sexually abused women, who's spoken of grabbing women by their privates and it was blown over as 'locker talk', who's been convicted of 34 felonies, (in other words, voted for a felon when felons can't even vote and shouldn't be allowed to run for any government office) continues to lie and deny what he's said and done even though it took place live in front of people and see/heard by millions on social media, is thought to be this wonderful business man who, himself, has declared bankruptcy at least 6 times leaving many people stuck without payment for the hard work they'd completed for him, who's been choosing those who aren't fit to serve in the positions he's placing them in, who seems to be getting direction from the multi-millionaires & billionaires who are his 'friends'........ the list goes on and on.

I truly feel had this been ANY past President, the outcome would have been drastically different as these behaviors wouldn't have EVER been tolerated.  So WHY have all these things been tolerated THIS time?  

I try not to watch the news, but rather to read it.  Reading it doesn't contain the overly dramatic music and hype the way it's presented on TV, so I've chosen to take a step back from the rhetoric for my own mental health. It's all made me quite confused and depressed.  It's not because my candidate lost, but rather trying to understand the mentality of those who voted for #47.  

I feel as though the things he speaks of, hasn't hit close to home for many, so they're easily overlooking these things.  Part of the issue with human beings is that we don't always learn our lessons from someone warning us or when it happens to others.  We only seem to learn when we go through the muck and mire personally.  By then, it's too late.  

Our country is more divided than ever before.  People have stopped speaking to each other when they've voted opposite sides of the pole, including family members.  Parents & children have disconnected over this.  Friends have disconnected over this.  I've witnessed firsthand the aggression/hostility in some feeling that #47 is the next best thing since ice cream.  

We're in for a bumpy ride regardless of which side you're on.  Project 2025 is a scary, 900+ page document that will rock our world.  I've read that migrant workers in California have already stopped showing up for work due to being scared of ICE.  These are the people who are doing the hard labor that most American born citizens refuse to do.  As a result, our food prices will continue to rise, families will be torn apart, etc...

While yes, I know there are those that are corrupt who come to this country, but I also know there are many who are NOT corrupt and just want a better life for their families just as our forefathers did.  If you stop and truly think about it, none of us except the American Indians would be here as our ancestors all traveled across the ocean to make a better life for OUR families.  That also goes for #47, but he's not stopped to consider that fact.

No, I don't know what the right answer is, but doing a mass deportation and trying to get children who have been born here to suddenly NOT have citizenship because of where their parents came from, is also NOT the answer.  They had no say so in the matter.  They didn't choose to be born, but they deserve to have a good life just like the rest of us.  

There is good and bad in every race, creed, & color.  There are plenty of Americans who've done dope smuggling, murdering, abuse.... So why are all of the crimes blatantly blamed on all who come here to seek refuge and a better life?  

Again, I don't know what the right answer is, but I do know the next 4 years are going to be interesting and no doubt very costly in many ways.  

I just hope the blinders fall off those who refuse to see what's going on right before their eyes.  

Stay safe everyone!  

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