Thursday, March 24, 2016

Healthy ~ Working On It!

Where have I been?  This ^ is not me.  LOL  But I have been going to Yoga classes for a bit.  Anyone who thinks that yoga isn't a workout has definitely NOT tried it before!  It's great to work on your core.

I've also been getting on the treadmill at my local gym.  I'm up to just over 30 minutes at a 2.0 incline and a speed of 2.6.  That's great for where I am at, physically.  

Yep, I just got a Fitbit too!  Just yesterday, as a matter of fact!  My son originally bought it and he's so busy between college and work, he just didn't really use it so I bought it from him!  It even has caller ID!  Love that!

I've not made any videos for about 3 months now.  I just needed to step back from all of that, but I'm going to get back into it.  Now that my son is in college, it gives me more time to do it and I've got lots of videos to do.  I want to do a few that are just personal chit-chats.  

What are YOU doing to get healthier?  I'm also trying to eat a bit better (still a work in progress!!) and also drink MORE WATER!

I don't know why that's a struggle for me because I really do enjoy water.  I guess I just get busy and forget.  Staying hydrated is SOOOOOOOOOOOO important, so don't be a bonehead like me!  DRINK YOUR WATER!  We lose water by breathing, blinking, sneezing, talking...... many things that we don't even think about as a source of losing water.  

A HUGE thing is to NOT beat yourself up if things don't go perfectly today!  Just pick yourself up and continue on.  Our MINDS are the biggest thing we need to change to change our bodies.  Once we can do that, WE'RE UNSTOPPABLE!  

Tell me what you're doing to get healthy!  We all need inspiration!



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