Sunday, June 30, 2024

Living Life Unsure . . . . .

Living Life Unsure . . . 

Are there situations you come across in life that make you scratch your head and wonder what the hell a person is thinking?

I've been finding myself lately being so judgmental of the things other people are doing.  I'm unsure WHY I do that, and I'm trying to live and let live.  These things don't pertain to me directly and have no effect in my own life, so WHY do the actions of some anger me so much?

I get that none of us know 'for sure' what to do in life.  We take chances and sometimes things work out and sometimes they just don't.  

I believe it comes from being an empath ... when one person is potentially jeopardizing the livelihood of another person or an animal, my inner momma bear hairs stand on end, and I go into protection mode.  

I struggle to understand why some people do certain things involving another person or an animal.  It boils down to responsibility or actually the lack of responsibility.  One time is a learning experience, but multiple times is reckless repeat.  

If you want to help someone, do it, but know your limits and know their boundaries.

If you're acquiring an animal, unless you work in a shelter, plan on keeping and taking care of that animal for the remainder of their life unless it's something dangerous that needs to be dealt with.  

Neither people, nor pets, are a disposable item.  They deserve the love and care we want for ourselves.  They're helpless in many cases and depend on us.  They sometimes have accidents, but that's no reason to get rid of them.  

It's why there are so many posts at Easter and at Christmas concerning giving the gift of a pet.  Some recipients are not old enough or the family may not be financially equipped to care for a pet.  You can look like or feel like a hero for a few seconds, but that animal, if not cared for properly, can be in for a world of hurt, but you won't know because you were merely the gift giver and you've walked away.  

It's also not wise to offer to help someone if you're unable to provide the time and attention they deserve.  While it's wonderful to offer assistance if you're TRULY willing to help, it's an awful thing if you offer, but then make excuses for not helping them.  You'd be better off not offering in the first place.

People and animals are living beings with feelings.  You may not consider that an animal will 'take any hurt' if you've been loving them and suddenly decide to get rid of them, but they too are thrown for a loop.  You've been their human and suddenly you don't want them any longer.  They go to another home still looking for you and feeling the heartache of the loss.

With these explanations, I guess that's why my inner momma bear hairs stand on end when I see people and animals being mistreated or tossed aside like they mean nothing.  

"Do unto others as you'd have done unto you."

If you don't like horrible treatment or to be disregarded, DON'T do it to others whether human or animals.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe....

And I pray you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

I'll catch you on the flip side!

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