Saturday, February 22, 2025

Pia's Eclectic Life ... A Witch Out of the Broom Closet...


Happy weekend everyone!  

We're getting close to the end of February already!  Where DOES the time go?

Before I begin, I will forewarn you that if you don't agree with witchy things, this blog is NOT for you.  It's, in some respects, my coming out of the broom closet on a small level.  Should that upset you, please read NO FURTHER.  My feelings will NOT be hurt.  This is MY journey in life.  You do you and I'll do me. 😉

If you're NOT bothered by this, WELCOME!!

I've always been drawn to something more.  I had an experience as a teenager.  I'd purchased my first tarot deck.  At that time, there was no internet or cell phones, so I found an ad in a magazine.  I was super excited to get the deck and learn to work with it.

Well.......... I opened the deck, was looking at it and all of a sudden, the curtains on my bedroom windows began to blow.  Mind you, it was completely still outside, and I had no fans on in my room.  I was so scared in the moment I screamed "GET OUT" and the one window that was open slammed shut and the curtains fell to their regular hanging position.  I couldn't help but think it was the deck, so unfortunately, I took it and burned it in the burning barrel we had in the back yard.  It never occurred to me that the deck could have been tainted with something where I purchased it from (bad Joo Joo).  And I was so young, I never knew about 'cleansing' my deck prior to using it.  

Now I know some of you, who were just having nose fever that are still reading, are probably going "Yep!  It was evil!  It's all evil and if you go down that path you're heading to hell!" I used to think that way too, but not anymore. You may be screaming at the screen, "I KNEW you'd back slidden!  I just KNEW IT!!".  Mind you, you are entitled to your opinion, but so am I.  You are under no obligation to read my blogs, so if you feel that way, please move along.  I've had too much negativity in my life, and I won't tolerate it here.

While the media, over the years, has portrayed witchy practices as all evil, I can assure you it is not, nor are all the people who practice.  While yes, there ARE people who use these tools for evil, not all of us do.  It's like people who own guns.  Yes, some who own guns do horrific things, but many people are collectors, avid hunters, and are not horrible people.  It's the person, NOT the tools being used.

I've been collecting tarot and oracle cards for the past 3-4 years.  It's been a journey and I'm still learning tarot because I don't always have a lot of time to study while working 6 days per week, but it's progress not perfection that I keep in mind.  There is no timetable for anyone for learning tarot.  I'm only doing it for myself anyway, not to read for others.  It's just something that I enjoy.

I've got TONS of crystals and have been having fun learning about their metaphysical properties.  I work with sigils and candles.  Anything I do is for edification of myself and my family, not to harm.  Anyone who knows me knows the only thing I could kill is a bug.  

I've found a great group of people on YouTube, or as many refer to it as TarotTube, that I've been learning so much from.  They are the nicest people with positive attitudes and so helpful!  I love joining in on live videos and commenting in the chats and sometimes requesting a reading if it's a video they're offering free readings on.  

Over the past 10 years, I've learned to open my eyes to so much more in the world.  I only used to listen to a certain few who 'claimed' to have the 'best' spiritual knowledge.  Unbeknownst to me, because I've been a trusting person and had blinders on, I fell into line with them because I was looking for somewhere to belong.  But now I'm on my own trajectory with the blinders off and I'm so thankful for that. 😍

I still love the Lord!!  He's been my rock and always will be.  Some will say, "You can't love Jesus and do tarot and oracle!!".  Well, I'm here to tell you I do and if that doesn't set well with you, that's a YOU problem because I'm very happy over here in my own lane.  

I will continue to share different things on my blog pertaining to my witchy practices in the future.  

May you have a wonderful weekend!!

I pray that you are happy, healthy, safe, 
and I pray you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends!

Blessed be!

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Pia's Eclectic Life ... A Witch Out of the Broom Closet...

  Happy weekend everyone!   We're getting close to the end of February already!  Where DOES the time go? Before I begin, I will forewarn...