Sunday, April 29, 2018

Learning When To Let Go............

Hi Gang!

Happy Sunday to you all!

It's sunny 😎 and 59* here in Wisconsin.  I hope you're having beautiful weather wherever you are today!

Today's Thought Path is .....
Learning When To Let Go...........................

Are you someone who loves fast and falls hard?  I'm definitely one of those people.  When I do, I put everything into it.  Unfortunately, the other person doesn't usually do that, which is heartbreaking for me.

The other heartbreaking part for me is learning when to let go.  I always hold out hope that things will change and the other person will change his mind.  That doesn't happen.

I set myself up for a letdown yet again last night.  I was singing at a function and invited someone to come to listen.  He chose to be with his friends and totally blow off my feelings.

I keep telling myself that not everyone is into everyone and that's ok.  My mind gets it, but my heart has a heck of a time accepting that.  My heart always wants to give a multitude of chances even though my brain is kicking my heart saying 'When on earth are you going to get the picture???'.  

Ahhhhh........the heart can be so easily deceived, can't it?

For most of my life I've always depended on someone else to make me happy.  I know that sounds terrible, but I guess I was conditioned that way.  If the other person was having a good day, I could have a good day as well.  If the other person was in the pit, I'd fall right in with them.  

I have so much to be thankful for in life and need to learn not to depend on anyone but God for my happiness.   He's the only one who is truly faithful and doesn't change, nor does He lie.  

Side note......the person I invited last night has messaged me this morning asking how last night went.  I've not yet responded and not sure if I even will.  I deserve so much better treatment than what he's capable of giving.  I wish him the best, but he must move on and so must I.

I had a dream the other night that I was with a man so loving and kind.  We were perfect for each other, loving each other to the fullest and could make each other laugh.  We were so supportive of one another.  It was the most beautiful dream I've ever had.  At least for a few brief moments in a dream I truly felt what it feels like to be so totally & completely loved.  I'm so thankful that God gave me that brief glimpse into how that feels.  I can only hope that God will give me that special someone someday.

If you're in any type of relationship where the person is incapable of loving you the way you need and deserve, know that it's ok to let go and move on.  You don't have to settle for less than what you deserve and neither do I.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a wonderful and blessed week ahead!


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Depression ......... Thou Art Heartless............

Happy Sunday Gang!

So........ It's spring in April.......
It's also Wisconsin.  LOL

This weather is depressing enough itself, although southern WI certainly fared out better than the middle and northern parts as they've been REALLY hit with the ice and snow.

If you've read any of my previous blogs you know that I deal with depression.  I take a mild dose of meds to help out, but it doesn't completely take it away.

A huge part comes from loneliness in the relationship department.  Watching others, either in real life or on tv who are in love, challenges my mind.  While I'm truly happy for them it reminds me of the void in my own life.

Before you start to judge me and tell me I'm just having a pity party, please realize that I'm extremely thankful for all that I have in my life.  There's no doubt about that.  I just get lonely when I don't have a significant other to share life with.  

I know I'm not the only one that has these feelings.  I'm just crazy enough to write about it and expose myself.

I was in a relationship of sorts in the recent past.  Knowing he doesn't feel the same about me adds a bit to the depression.  Also, in all fairness, we just aren't attracted to everyone we meet.  It's just taking time for my mind and heart to heal.  Part of me wants to cry while another part of me chastises myself for wanting to cry feeling that it's ridiculous. 

The biggest issue seems to just be my weight.  I know I'm too heavy, but that doesn't make me a bad person.  Unfortunately we all seem to judge from the exterior rather than the interior.  

With depression, it doesn't just manifest itself in feeling down/blue, it shows up in always wanting to sleep, not wanting to work, not wanting to clean the house, not wanting to be around anyone, etc...  I know that sounds backwards in what I've just been saying about feeling lonely, but when all the feelings work together in the mind, a person gets to a point that they don't want to be around anyone.  

When you have a significant other to share your life with, who listens, laughs, loves and lives life with you, life is so much better.  It keeps you healthier and happier.  

If you have love in your life, be so thankful and don't ever take it for granted.

Also, be kind to everyone you meet.  You have no idea what battles they fight in their lives.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, be kind to one another.


Pia's Eclectic Life ... A Witch Out of the Broom Closet...

  Happy weekend everyone!   We're getting close to the end of February already!  Where DOES the time go? Before I begin, I will forewarn...