Monday, August 28, 2017

Life Makes You Think.............

                                Happy Monday Everyone! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

It's been a hot minute since I've posted.  I know........ 

My thought path today is that Life Makes You Think......

You're sitting there going, 'Of course Pia!  Duh!'. LOL

Let me elaborate a bit deeper into where my thought path is headed............

There are people that come and go in our lives.  Regardless of what happens, each one leaves a mark.  Some are deep, emotional marks and some are just surface.  Some come into our lives for a season and some are for a lifetime.  God has a plan and a purpose for each and every person we encounter.  If only we knew for sure WHY.............. and how long each person would be around.

Sometimes we go through some chaotic times in our lives, but if we didn't we wouldn't have a greater appreciation for peace, learn to have patience, experience how strong we actually are, maybe we wouldn't have our children, etc...

For me, personally, I'd go through everything I've been through in life just to have my children because they're everything to me.  There's no deep thinking there.  It's a no brainer.  

Sometimes friends come into your life, but only for a season. Sometimes they help you through a difficult time or help you to see things from a different perspective.  Once their job is complete, they move on.  I had a friend for many years, but she's no longer in my life.  I appreciate our time together and thought we'd be friends for life.  God has different plans and we just have to accept them and move on to see what He has in store next.

Love sometimes comes into your life.  It can be a mutual feeling and sometimes it's one sided. Possibly it's true love or it could just be infatuation.  We don't always realize WHAT it is in the beginning.  When you first find someone you're attracted to and they're attracted to you, it's very exciting and heart throbbing.  It's those early stages when you don't really know each other, but you're just so happy to have found someone who has reciprocal feelings.  

We wonder, will we get married?  Are there or will there be children involved either between us or children we already have from previous relationships?  Where will we live?  Will our relationship make it?  Can I trust that person?  Will they be faithful?  What did their FB post refer to?  Was it aimed at me or someone else?  Why haven't they called or messaged me?  Or why do they call or message me all the time?  Why are they smothering me?  Time marches on and you figure out whether you want to be together or not, all situation making you really THINK.................

I came across a post on FaceBook that really prompted this blog.  If you were to meet yourself, would you be a good friend?  Would you think you were kind and generous? Are you someone you'd like to be around?  Would you think that you're a good influence? Would you want to be your friend?  Would you think that you're being honest and true?

For some of you, I know this is probably just a big bunch of ramblings, but for me it's a part of my life.  I've always been one to analyze or over-analyze things.  I can sometimes read TOO much into a situation and my mind can take me where the situation was never intended.  It's part of who I am.  I try hard NOT to over-think things, but I read people.  That is, I'm usually pretty perceptive to people's facial expressions and body language, reading what they're not expressing.  Many times I'm correct, but sometimes I'm not or they're not admitting to something.  But when I read them, it can throw me into a tail spin of multiple other questions in my mind causing me to over-analyze................ shocker! LOL

In short, we will have people in our lives that will come and go. Don't try to figure out why, but truly enjoy the time you have because we never know how much time we'll have together.  Also, don't make hasty decisions that you could regret the rest of your life.  

Live, laugh & love today for tomorrow is promised to no one..............

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