Friday, August 4, 2017

Love Yourself No Matter Your Size......................

Happy Friday Gang!

It's a bit cloudy which is ok and the humidity is down.  I love that!

Are you someone who struggles with your self-worth?  Do you look down on yourself because of your hair, or eyes, teeth or size?

I don't think there are too many of us who don't judge ourselves.  We are WAY more harsh than anyone else would EVER think of being towards us.  So why do we do it to ourselves?

With all the media trying to force a 'Barbie Doll' appearance down our throats, it's no wonder we don't feel as though we live up to a certain expectation of how we 'should' look.  We compare ourselves to those pictures in magazines, on websites, and even local people that we know personally.  When we don't feel as though we measure up, we begin to downgrade ourselves as a result.  Sometimes I think we criticize ourselves before someone else can do it to us (it's a mind thing).

We need to STOP looking at those images of the 'Barbie Doll' body types as the ones to emulate.  We need to start loving ourselves right where we are right now.

I have been bullied for being heavy most of my life.  It's never been acceptable to be overweight and I've been considered 'less than', 'less intelligent or just plain stupid', 'unworthy', etc.... just because I don't weigh 120 lbs.

Anyone who has gone through this in your life can relate to what I've been through.  Things have GOT to CHANGE.  Starting TODAY we ALL need to learn to LOVE OURSELVES JUST AS WE ARE RIGHT THIS MOMENT!

If the only thing someone can criticize you for is your weight, they're definitely a very shallow person.  That's a very low blow.

I just want everyone to be happy in the skin they're in.  Life is so short, it's but a vapor.  It's here and it's gone.  Why waste time comparing ourselves to everyone else?

Find someone who loves you just as you are, every inch of you.  Don't accept anyone who treats you without love and respect.  If they can't accept you just as you are, they aren't worth your time.

Be kind to yourself and be kind to others.  What you sow will return to you.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a wonderful weekend!

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