Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Finding Peace In Your Life.........

Good Afternoon Gang!

The sun is shining here in Southwestern Wisconsin and I hope that it is where you are as well!

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If you've been here for a hot minute, you know that I always end my blog praying that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Peace is so important in everyone's life.  The problem that arises is when we attempt to depend on someone else to give us that peace.  

We live in such a chaotic world. There are shootings and plane crashes, wars, volcanic eruptions, wild fires, political scandals, etc...  The list goes on and on.  It's quite easy to watch the news and get so worked up and overwhelmed by it all and ultimately lose your peace.

Part of finding the peace in your life is just shutting things off.  Research has shown that reading the news vs watching the news can be so much easier to handle.  When watching the news, there is usually music involved as well as the dramatic way the news is presented.  So from a news perspective, try reading instead of watching.

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Another help in finding peace is getting off social media.   I remember the days when there wasn't such a thing as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, etc...  Today, our phones are almost attached to our hands.  We've forgotten what it's like to have face to face interaction with each other because we're afraid we'll miss something on social media.  I'm just as guilty as anyone else!  Just the feeling of NEEDING to be connected to what's going on at this instant can disrupt your peace.

Are you always on the go?  Sometimes we need to just slow down and find peace within.  Sometimes that's from reading the Bible or an uplifting devotional.  Sometimes it's just not listening to or reading anything, but getting in a quiet place and relaxing.  It's good for us to be 'un-plugged' for a bit.  

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Now, for some of you, I'm guessing you're already thinking 'There's NO WAY I can un-plug!  I'm just too busy!  People depend on me!', etc...  

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Yes, I know that many people depend on us for a variety of reasons, whether its at our job, or in our home, or in a group we volunteer for, but it's still so important to un-plug.  It doesn't have to be for a long period.  Just start out with 5 minutes at a time.  Shut off your phone, TV, or radio.  Put down the book, newspaper or magazine.  Find a quiet place in your home, a place that you designate specifically for quiet time and reflection.  At first, it may be a difficult endeavor, but the more times you try it, the easier it will become.  

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We have a tendency to get so busy in this life, we forget to take time out for ourselves, to find our inner peace.  As a result, we get angry, frustrated, full of pain and end up lashing out at those we love.  

There is no shame in taking care of yourself.  When you take care of yourself and find your inner peace, you have plenty of yourself to share with others.  You can't give out what you don't have to begin with.

You also can't depend on others to give you peace.  It's not their job.  And when you depend on others for peace, it only works against you.  You set yourself up for a letdown.  We can only be responsible for our own.

If you sat down today, just for 5 minutes, could you think of 2 things you enjoy doing?  Are those things something you could do today?  For example, maybe you enjoy swimming.  It may give you joy and peace at the same time.  Or maybe you enjoy hiking?  This could do the same thing.  Maybe you enjoy crafting or have always wanted to write a book.  Think of those things that only you can do that give you great joy and try to incorporate them in your life a little bit at a time.

Remember to always keep healthy boundaries with people and also with social media.  Some situations are just plain toxic and you deserve so much more!!

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, take time out for YOU today.


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