Monday, July 30, 2018

Enjoying Planning........... Decorating A Planner

Happy Monday Gang!

I know it's been a hot minute since I've blogged, but I've got something fun I want to share with you that I've been up to!  

I got into using planners a couple years ago, but recently ( the past few months) I've gotten more into the decorating planners.

I'm such a visual person, so I love seeing all the colors and what I can create.

This is my 'Bullet Journal'.  What does that mean?  I promise that no guns were used in the creating of this journal. 🤣🤣🤣😤

What it means is that the pages are filled with dots.  You can still draw on the page as if it were blank, or you can use the 'bullets' (dots) to connect to create cleaner lines.  It's up to you.  This is what I've created for the month of August.

This is another one that has 'dutch doors' for each week of August.  I've been playing with each kind of planner to see what I like best.  

I've found that it's given me a lot of peace while I plan and be creative.  It brings a joy to my heart and actually makes me excited. :)

This is my Recollections planner with each day vertically.  

The great thing about planners is that you can decorate them however your heart desires.  There is no wrong way to decorate.  What one person may find helpful, you may not and vice versa.  Do what makes your heart happy when you decorate your planner.

Some people purchase the Erin Condren planners.  While they are very pretty, I have found that the Recollections planners are just as nice and are much more economical than the EC's.  

Etsy has a number of shops where you can purchase stickers or you can find free ones online that you can print at home as well.  The ones you order will already be scored, but the ones you print, you'll obviously have to cut apart.  It's whatever you wish.  You don't HAVE to use stickers if you'd rather not.  You can draw or use colored tape (washi tape) or use markers, etc...

I've found that the planner community is so nice.  I love watching planning videos and like with anything else, you'll need to find out who's style of filming/planning you enjoy watching the most.

I also recently found a YouTube channel of a woman who does beautiful drawing/painting creations.

This is her style of drawing/painting.  I love watching people's creativity. :)

I have found that working on these planners, being creative, has helped my anxiety and depression a great deal.  It gives me an outlet to do something fun and takes my mind off of any problems I may be facing.

So today, if you're struggling, try something new.  It doesn't have to be planning.  Maybe you'd enjoy gardening or cooking/baking, music, painting, etc...  Opening up your creativity can be an awesome way to heal your mind and your heart.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a fantastic week and I'll catch you on the 

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