Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Too Much?


Do you ever feel like there is just 
TOO MUCH going on in life?  

Spouse/Significant Other (Relationship(s))
Social Media trying to suggest how you should 
ETC . . . 

Speaking personally for myself, there are days when I feel as though I just can't keep up, nor can I compete.  

The overload can be overbearing when we don't 
stop.... take a step back.... and 

Most days are 'ok' for me, but I have those days where I look around and feel like there's just way too much information that I can't possibly consume it all, but I want to.  There just aren't enough hours in a day and I don't believe we're meant to consume everything... but social media has a way of telling us differently.

I look around and think, 'I bought that book and haven't read it yet, but here's another one someone said would be super helpful so I better buy that one too!'.  Before I know it, I have a plethora of books that I haven't read, yet continue to purchase more.  It's not only books, but it's my crystal collection as well.  It's like, WHEN is it ENOUGH?  I need to figure out what gap I'm trying to fill with all of these THINGS.

Sellers encourage us that we need to buy their 'special product' or we'll miss out and won't have what everyone else is experiencing.  I admit, I have an issue with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out), and it's something I DEFINITELY need to work on as I'm easily suggestible.  You tell me I need it, well, I better get it then!  LOL

That's what all retailers hope for........FOMO, so they'll make sales.  But it's not just the retailers.  For me, I'll watch YouTube reviews of different things and think, 'OH!  I want that TOO!', even though I absolutely don't need 'it', whatever 'it' is.

It can all become so overwhelming.  I want to read all that I have, yet when I sit down to do just that, feel completely overwhelmed, put the book down and pick up my phone to play games while a show plays on my tv in the background.  

That's something else that's happened to me.  I find it difficult to put my phone down to watch a tv show or movie.  It's as though I feel I have to be multi-tasking at all times or I'm not making the most of my time.  

With all that being said, please remember to take a step back and BREATHE.  You DON'T need to keep up with anyone else and you don't NEED everything that everyone else has.  You can just LIVE YOUR LIFE and let others live theirs.  As long as we're healthy, happy and at peace, that's the most important.

Love and Light to you all!


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