Tuesday, September 10, 2024

There Are Days..........


We all have those occasional days where nothing seems to go right.  Everything you touch seems to fall apart.  You'd like to just go back home and crawl right back into bed for the day.  

While we'd LIKE to do that, it's usually not an option when we have to work, so we need to put our best foot forward with a smile on our face and try to make the best of things.

What we need to remember that even though we need to maintain a sense of happiness for the masses, that everything is just fine, the reality is that we naturally feel what we feel.  Whether it's anger, sadness, depression, jealousy........ it's perfectly normal and natural.  

You need to remember to feel them, to allow them to happen in a safe space.  If you need to cry, cry.  If you feel the need to scream, scream into a pillow, you could take a hot shower or bath and sometimes we just need a nap or a good night's sleep to help refresh ourselves.  When we're well rested, we can handle things much more effectively.  

Just don't toss your feelings to the 'back burner' to deal with days, weeks, months or years from now.  When we do that, things have a tendency to pile up and we end up overreacting to something small.

Feeling your feelings is an integral part of self-care. Love yourself enough to allow yourself the time and space to feel what's happening and to work through it.  You'll be surprised at the amount of weight that lifts from your shoulders.  

We all need to learn to be better to ourselves.  We deserve it! 😉

I pray that you're happy, healthy, safe, and I pray you have peace in your life!!

Until we meet again on the flip side, TTFN!

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