Thursday, July 13, 2017

Over-Thinking .......... Part 2

Hi Gang!

We're on the downhill slide towards yet another weekend already!  It's another Friday Eve!

I've decided to do a Part 2 to the Over-Thinking thought path.....................

Do you realize how powerful your mind is?  I wanted to delve into over-thinking just a bit deeper.

When thoughts come into your mind (in particular, negative), when you entertain those thoughts by continuously thinking about them & expanding on them, you can quickly work yourself into a dither.
What exactly am I referring to?  Let me give an example.....

You've received a text from your significant other saying they won't be able to go out tonight.  You've not seen their facial expressions nor have you heard their voice inflections.  Because of not seeing or hearing them, your mind begins to race with all kinds of thoughts of different scenarios of WHY they won't be over tonight.  Are they upset with you?  Are they seeing someone else?  What are they doing?  If they ARE seeing someone else, WHO are they seeing?  And on and on and on.............

You can see that just from one simple text, the mind can race into multiple directions creating chaos in the mind thinking a million things that just aren't true or real.  As a result, it can take you into a panic or an anxiety ridden place in your mind.  It can bring about anger, sadness, loneliness, rage, weeping, etc....

Had you just received the text and let it end with the fact that the person just wouldn't be over and go on with your day thinking about what you have to do or where you have to go and just accept the text at face value, you would definitely be at peace.

While texting is a great form of communication, it's still not, by far, the most effective.  You can see from the example above how your mind can go into over-drive thinking things that aren't even happening.

Another time we can get caught up in over-thinking can be from waiting on a doctor's report, thinking about all the different potential scenarios.  Or maybe your boss wants to have a meeting with you tomorrow.  Or maybe you've received a voicemail that the bank is requesting a call back from you.  The list goes on and on of things we can blow out of proportion with over-thinking.

When you start to do what I like to call 'stinkin' thinkin'', you need to make a conscious effort to STOP those thoughts before they get out of control.  Think on pleasant things and in the above scenarios, take them for their initial face value and move on.

Over-thinking can cause us so much unneeded pain and suffering.  Two sure fire ways of helping release the tension of over-thinking are to either a) have a good cry or b) get a good night's sleep or possibly both!  These are great stress relievers and in the morning you will be refreshed not only physically, but especially mentally.

I pray that this reaches someone & helps them today.  Believe me, I'm preaching to myself in this blog! LOL


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