Wednesday, July 5, 2017

New Beginnings............

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

It's beginning to be a rainy, stormy day here.  If it is where you are, stay dry.  It would be a perfect evening to be home snuggling under a blanket on the couch!

Today's thought path is about 'New Beginnings'..................

New beginnings come about in different ways.  Sometimes a new beginning can be initially masked as a situation that can feel pretty terrible.  Divorce, death, moving, job change, etc..... At the time, those things can feel devastating.  However, unknown to us at the time, those terrible situations are about to blossom into a beautiful New Beginning!

Just remember that even though a trial you may be facing right now seems daunting, it WILL get BETTER!  It helps to have the love and support of family and friends.

My kids, for example, no matter how many times they can nit pick at each other or get upset with each other, they know they have each other to turn to in times of trouble and/or sorrow.  My kids will listen to me, but they'll listen to each other first.  They respect each other's opinions and ideas far more than mine.  Why?  Because I'm the MOM. LOL

I've often thought about my life and how I sometimes feel I don't have many people in it especially after my divorce.  It can sometimes feel very lonely.  But then I stop to think about all the people who are actually in my life and I'm not so alone after all.  Point being, when we have friends and loved ones, we can face anything no matter what the situation may be.  We're there to lift each other up, to walk along side each other, to be a sounding board and a cheering section or an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on and even arms to hug and lips for kisses.

When we have this massive amount of support, it turns the crappy situation into a New Beginning.  It lightens the load not only on our shoulders but on our hearts as well.  It gives us a new sense of purpose and belonging.  Let's face it.  We ALL want to BELONG SOMEWHERE.  We want to fit in.  This doesn't mean we have to conform to someone else's standards, but to fit in with others who see things the same way we do.

The next time you're feeling alone or in a rough situation, know that there are people who love and support you.  Have a good cry.  Take a bubble bath.  Call a friend.  Go for a walk.  Do something to begin to make things better for yourself, to help create a New Beginning.

Remember, its OK to cry.  Like a tea kettle ready to blow, it's a wonderful stress reliever.  You'll be glad you did.  


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