Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Happy Tuesday Morning!!

Hi Gang!  Hope everyone is doing great today!  It's pretty dreary where I am, but hopefully it's sunny where you are.

  1. sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others.
    "the victims should be treated with compassion"
    synonyms:pitysympathyempathyfellow feelingcareconcernsolicitudesensitivitywarmthlove,
    "have you no compassion for a fellow human being?"

    Today's thought path is about compassion.  I sometimes think I have way too much of it.  You may wonder how anyone could have TOO MUCH compassion.  Well........... I believe when we have too much compassion, we can easily get taken advantage of.  

    I try to be kind to everyone I meet.  Some people have some type of radar to hone in on it and use it to their own advantage.  Depending on the type of relationship/circumstances, it can definitely be a heartbreaking situation.  

    I'm only speaking from my own personal experiences in life.  I've been taken advantage of a multitude of times.  

    When growing up, I guess I was disillusioned that everyone was kind and wouldn't hurt you.  That the words that people spoke were the truth, that they could be trusted.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful if life could be just that beautiful?  Instead, we have to have healthy boundaries with some people and non-existent relationships with others for our own self preservation.  I'd like to know what ever happened to a hand shake being a contract and a man's word was true?  I guess growing up I was living with a Norman Rockwell mentality.  

    Earlier this morning a friend text me.  I replied back asking where he was headed.  (He drives semi)  The reply I received was "Nowhere, duh!".  Now, keep in mind it IS a text and without facial expression and voice inflections, it can be taken a few different ways.  

    As usual, I apologized (I had done nothing wrong, but asked a simple question. But it's what I'm conditioned to do.)  He's waiting for results from his DOT physical.  I was not aware that a person can't drive until the results come back in and had asked if that was the case.  He responded "That's right.".  My response?  Nothing.  

    I'm guessing he was just trying to be funny, but I guess I'm just extra sensitive.  After years of being verbally attacked, a person can take most anything the wrong way.  I don't want to, but............

    When I feel like that, I just want to go home, lock the doors, shut off the lights and be alone where no one can hurt me.  I'm a lover and not a fighter.

    It's difficult to explain my mind in a short blog.  LOL  

    I have to say that I'm so thankful for the faithful few that actually read my ramblings.  I know I've said it before, but I truly mean it!!  Thank you!!!

    I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

    Until we meet again my friends, have a blessed day.  Be kind to others and be kind to yourself!


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