Friday, October 27, 2017

Sex Sells........................

Happy Friday Gang! 

Where in the world did yet another week go to?  Hope it was a great one for you!

Today's thought path has been on my mind for a very long time & I'm finally going to to share some thoughts.  Please keep in mind that these are MY thoughts/opinions and ONLY my thoughts/opinions.  

Do you watch any TV?  I know that I watch way too much of it, but living alone with 2 small dogs, it's cheap entertainment for me.  I enjoy watching comedies just to have a laugh and escape reality for a 1/2 hour.

While watching TV, do you really watch some of the commercials?  One evening, quite a while ago, I was watching a floor cleaner commercial.  The floor cleaner had taken the place of the broom and feather duster, so in one of the commercials, the broom and the feather duster are on a pool floaty with sexy music in the background.  In another one, the broom finds the feather duster in the attic, again with the sexy music..................SERIOUSLY???

Hollywood really thinks that those types of commercials are going to make people want to go out & buy their products?  (Insert head shaking here...........)

Of course we know that it's far from only the commercials that use sex/sexuality to promote.  I was watching DWTS the other night at a friend's home.  The guest judge had a blaser on that was showing off most of her cleavage.  The female host was wearing a strapless dress with a deep V in the front basically down to her belly button.  I'm not quite sure why they don't just come out naked on stage.  And who can forget the fact that we now have 'adult' cartoons with a lot of unsavory language and suggestions? 

I'm not trying to be a prude by any means, but I personally feel that we as women need to love and respect ourselves enough to dress appropriately.  Am I saying to dress in a bag from head to toe with only our eyes showing?  NO.......... but what I am saying is that a woman can definitely be beautiful and not have to go around half naked to try to prove it to everyone around them.  

In my personal opinion, dressing so provocatively is not showing the confidence you have in yourself.  It's also not showing our youth a very good role model.  It just gives them the sense that it's 'ok' or that it's 'normal' to dress that way.  

Commercials (and lots of other social media) teach people that the only way to get something in life is through sex.  I find it quite sad, to be honest.

In a normal, healthy, monogamous relationship, sex is a beautiful thing that brings two people even closer together creating a wonderful bond.  I'm not against sex by any means, in it's appropriate place.  I don't, however, want to see it in a cleaning commercial or a candy bar commercial, especially when my granddaughter can be watching tv with me and see these things.  

Yes, I realize we can't shelter children from everything, but what ever happened to letting kids be kids?  I was still playing with dolls when I was 11 and 12.  By today's standards that would be considered ridiculous.  Because of all the social media blasts, kids think they're to be dating younger and younger.  Again, I find this heartbreaking.  

Ok already.............. I'll step down off my soap box, but please keep in mind that we should all be creating a respectable example for our children and grandchildren.  Be aware of what they're watching and listening to.  Be aware of how you're dressing yourself and how your children are dressing.  As my Pastor has taught us, 'What you take into your eye gates and ear gates (what you've seen and heard), can never be unseen or unheard.'  This goes for us as adults as well.  Love yourself and your family enough to be selective.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a fabulous weekend!!


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