Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Dealing With Loneliness and Sadness..............................

Good Morning Gang!  

Happy Tuesday

Today's thought path is about loneliness and sadness.  

Have you ever been surrounded by people yet feel totally alone?   I feel like that more and more.  I don't know if it's just part of getting older (just turned 49! LOL) or what the reason is.

I have so much to be thankful for as we all do and I truly AM thankful, but that still doesn't take away the feelings of loneliness and sadness.  

I believe part of it is having someone to share your life with.  When we have a special someone in our lives, it sure helps.  I have 2 small dogs as most of you probably know.  They love me unconditionally and I'm very thankful to have them, but it doesn't fill the gap where a special person should be.  Maybe I'm just crazy for wanting another person in my life after what I went through in my past, but............ 

How do YOU handle loneliness and sadness?  Sometimes I just put on a comedy and binge watch it.  I know tv isn't the end all be all, but it definitely takes my mind off myself! LOL

I've heard repeatedly that we need to go out and help others to get our minds off ourselves.  How does one do that when you don't feel you're even good company when you're alone?  Meaning, I don't always want to be with me in those moods, so why would someone else want to be with me?  I hope that makes sense.  Sometimes it's just hard to get out of your own head.  I do try, but I definitely think too much.

My apologies for being so heavy today.  Some days in life are just like that.  Not every day is a walk in the park.  Life is hard.  Some days are just better and others are just harder.  Anyone that tries to deny that is just lying to themselves.  

One thing I cherish in this life is people who are real.  If you're having a bad day, be honest about it.  Don't try to sugar coat it and pretend like everything is just perfect when it's not.  I'm not saying anyone should unpack and live there, but just be honest and true about where you are each day.  

I believe we learn so much from each other when we share our struggles because we let others know they're not alone and we in turn realize we're not alone either.  

That's what happens in this life.  We look at others and see what APPEARS to be a PERFECT LIFE.  We then begin to compare our lives to someone else's and wonder how we could EVER live up to that type of perfection.  

The fact is that we all have issues that we face on a daily basis whether it's financial, emotional, spiritual, physical, etc...  WE ALL HAVE ISSUES.  My prayer today is that you would all just be REAL.  Not ONLY be REAL, but be REAL for all of those around you.  If you're going through something, find someone you can talk to and share your struggles.  Nine chances out of ten, that person can relate from a similar struggle they've had themselves.  

Proverbs 27:17 
As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

We need each other in this life.  God's word tells us iron sharpens iron.  Through our individual struggles and sharing them with each other, we create a bond of strength.  Please don't ever think that you're alone in your struggles, whatever they may be.  It's easy to fall into that pit, but please know that I'm here if you need someone to talk to.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, be strengthened in knowing you're not alone!


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