Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Who Makes The Decisions.................................

Hi Gang!

Where IS the time going?  I know I sound like a broken record, but it's May 2018 already!!!!!!!!!  Woah baby!

Today's Thought Path takes us down a road of decision making in relationships.  Who makes them and why?

I guess I've been conditioned since the beginning that men make the decisions for the most part.  That we, as women, wait on the man to make the decisions.....

Will he choose me?
Will he call me?
Will he make the first move?
If he does, will he choose to keep me?
Once he's made that decision, what will we do in life?
I'd like to do this or that, but will he want to?  

In today's modern society, many women are very 'take charge'.  I find that I'm not always one of them.  I have a tendency to always WAIT.  I've always been a people pleaser and always want the other person to be happy even if it costs me my own happiness.

I know some of you reading this are saying "WHAT?  Are you CRAZY?".  But truly stop and think of your own life.  Regardless if you're male or female reading this.  What is it like in your current relationship and in past relationships?  Who makes/made all the decisions?

I know for myself, I feel as though I'm always the one waiting on the man to make the decisions... aka....where he wants to go, when, why, with who, etc.....  

Again, I believe it comes down to people pleasing and I just don't want to live that way anymore.  What exactly do I mean?  I'm not saying that I'll be the only one making any decisions from now on, but I definitely want to partake in the decision making.  I don't always want to feel as though I have to wait until he wants to do something.  I want to make suggestions.  If it's something I really want to do and he doesn't, then I'll still do it myself and he can do his own thing, but if he really cares about me he'll have no problem doing what I like to do as well, showing me he cares.

Another part of this scenario is support.  What I mean is that in a relationship, everything can't always be one sided, one always being supportive and not having that support returned.  

Example:  You're always running errands for him, going with him to see his family & friends, etc..., but when it comes time for things that are important to you, he'd rather stay home and doesn't want to be bothered or would rather hang out with his friends.  He needs to return the support and be there for you in all aspects as well.  It's mutual respect.  If there is none, the relationship is doomed to fail unless you're willing to continue to put up with that type of disrespect.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not man bashing in the least.  I'm merely saying that you also have the right to be happy in your relationship.  You don't need to be a people pleaser at the sake of your own happiness and sanity.  (This is true in the reverse as well...men on the waiting side.)

I hope this jumbled mess makes sense.  

Bottom line is, don't be afraid to speak up for your needs and desires.  Don't be anyone's doormat.  You deserve love and respect just like everyone else and nothing less.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe, and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a terrific start to May!


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