Monday, April 1, 2024

Don't Let Them Rent Space In Your Head...

 Don't Let Them Rent Space In Your Head...

Another week has passed and we're back to Monday once again.  If you live in a normal routine, it can feel like another episode of 'Groundhog Day' from 1993.  

I hope you all had a nice holiday weekend depending on if you celebrate Easter or Ostara.  For me, holidays can be a tense time...not due to my own family but from extended family members.  

While we shouldn't allow anyone to get under our skin, it sometimes happens.  It can affect us mentally, emotionally and sometimes even physically.

When someone seems to live in perpetual stubbornness, anger and martyrdom,  it can have an effect on you.  If you're an empath, like me, you REALLY pick up on the feelings of others including those negative feelings.  

While I try not to take them in on a personal level, it DOES happen on occasion and especially when there's negative talk about someone I love.  My defenses kick in, my back hair raises up like a momma bear, and my irritation level flairs extremely high.  If you want to talk about me, that's one thing, but leave everyone else alone.  

You know the old saying, 'Hurting people hurt people.'.  While that may be true, it doesn't mean those hurting people can't learn to change their ways in order to NOT hurt anyone else.  

If you happen to experience this type of situation, someone speaking ill of you or a loved one, please don't dwell on it.  They're trying to live rent free in your head.  Make sure you KICK THEM OUT!  No one deserves to ruin your happiness just because they themselves are miserable.  I often think it must be terrible to live such an angry life when life is so short.

PLEASE take care of yourselves.  Don't let anyone steal your joy!

I pray that you're happy, healthy, safe and I pray that you have PEACE in your life!

Catch you on the flip side!

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