Friday, December 15, 2017

DON'T Settle.........................and RANT..............

Hi Gang!

How many of you are happy for Friday?  I know I am.

I'm coming here with sheer irritation this morning for reasons I can't fully disclose.  But what I DO want to share is the fact that no one should ever SETTLE for someone, to be mistreated in any way and put up with it for the sake of being in a relationship with them.  

Proverbs 17:1 (NKJV)

Better is a dry morsel with quietness,
Than a house full of feasting[a] with strife.

In my own life I've put up with so much.  Being talked down to, being overlooked, watching as the guy looks at/ogles over other women, being ignored, expected to work like a man doing heavy manual labor, being called derogatory names, and the list goes on and on.......  All the while I was giving my total devotion, love, buying things, going above and beyond expectation only to get ignored/mistreated.  

I SETTLED all for the sake of having someone in my life as a significant other.  Shake my head....

I'm telling you right now that if you're in a relationship with someone who doesn't treat you right, who doesn't adore you and love you completely just as you are (personality, looks, weight, etc...) or who ignores you or doesn't respond to phone calls or texts from you, you need to step back and take a long hard look at what type of relationship you're actually in.  At that point, you can pretty much figure it's just one sided. 
Real love doesn't work that way.
(Preaching to myself here. LOL)

Some people just don't know what they want and have no business being in any type of relationship.  When they do, it pulls the other person away from a potential someone who will actually treat them with the love and respect they deserve.

As you can see, I'm feeling pretty 'passionate' about this thought path today! 

While I'm on my ranting soap box, what is up with all the double standards so many men have?  They can have a pot belly and/or a bald head, but the women they pursue are expected to look like a Barbie doll, perfect figure, blonde, etc.....  SERIOUSLY?????  Have ya looked in the mirror lately?  I've watched a multitude of music videos and those are the same way.........the singer can be scraggly looking or have a pot belly or half their teeth missing, but the girls are always the image of perfection.

What ever happened to getting to know someone?  

When I was in high school, I was always looked down upon because I was overweight.  The guys always made fun of me and many of the girls talked down to me with condescension.  For all of them, in their eyes, my weight determined who I was, what type of a person I was.  In their eyes my weight defined me as stupid, worthless, ugly, etc...  Because they didn't have weight issue, it made them superior in their own eyes.  I have noticed over the years that many of those same ones that made fun of me ended up marrying someone who wasn't 'perfect', who carried extra weight.  I found it quite ironic.

I'm just ready for 2018 to start fresh and wash away 2017 of all it's craziness.  I'm ready to start truly figuring out my likes and dislikes, what I'm willing to put up with and what I'm definitely NOT willing to put up with.  I'm also praying for the discernment in all things and the strength to not just 'go with the flow' of whatever comes across my path, and also the ability to see my truth worth.  
I am NOT what I weigh.  I am kind, loving, generous, a good listener, a good hugger, devoted, caring, etc... I'm not perfect by any means, but I am a good person.  I just need to keep reminding myself of that.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a fabulous weekend and always remind yourself how special you are and that you're loved!


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