Tuesday, December 5, 2017

What's Meant To Be Will Be........................

Happy Tuesday Gang!

Today's thought path is something that I've often thought about, but I sometimes still try to force things......If something is meant to be it will happen.  If it's not, no matter how hard you push/force, it's not going to happen.  

So many times in life we like to be on our own time table.  We want things when we want them and how we want them.  We sometimes get into a mindset that regardless of the circumstances, we still want whatever it is.... a job, a house, a love interest, etc...  

Because we get so consumed with our desire of wanting something or someone so desperately, we can easily overlook red flags that appear all over the place.  But because we're so driven and self focused, we neglect to see those flags. 

The flags you're overlooking could potentially save your life or save you a lot of money or save you a lot of heartache.  

Key parts are:
 slowing down, 
taking a step back 
and taking a deep breath.  

Most importantly, pray and ask God what He'd have you do.  So many times we run in front of Him because we're so excited about the circumstances.  We can't wait and because we're running so hard at what we 'think' we want or 'think' we need to have, we neglect to see the potholes in the road (red flags) and can fall into those holes.  

If it's a part of God's plan He'll make a way where there seems to be no way.  If it's not a part of His plan, He'll block you from it or it from you.  He's trying to protect you from things you can't clearly see.  It's in those moments that you have to just look up and thank Him.  

I've always told my children to listen to God and take heed to what He says.  We may not always like it at the time or understand the meaning behind it, but we must follow His direction.  If He wants to reveal the reasoning behind it at a later time, He will.  If not, we just need to continue to trust Him.

You get angry when He puts you behind that slow vehicle on the highway not knowing He's protecting you from an accident.   

You oversleep not knowing He's protecting you from getting on that plane that was about to crash.  

I'll give you a personal example:

There was a young man that showed up at our church many years ago.  One of the church women was helping him out, but was trying to find one of the men of the church to mentor him.  She had spoken to my then-husband and myself about taking in the young man.  Before the end of the church service that morning I had red lights and flags going off in my mind and hearing 'NO! NO! NO!'.  I went to my then-husband and told him I had no idea why, but God told me that we couldn't take this young man in.  I asked him to please just trust in what God had told me.  Thankfully he did and we never took the young man home with us even though we didn't know why.

Three months later I was informed that the young man was wanted in 2 other states for prior child molestation charges.  My children were very young at the time.  Because I took heed to the red flags that God sent in my spirit, He later revealed why He sent those flags and as a result my children were saved from harm.

Some people may think I'm crazy when I tell them when something like that falls into my spirit.  They can think whatever they want.  I'm going to continue to take heed.  God has never given me false information before and He's not about to.

Remember when we were kids and were told to 'Stop. Look. and Listen'?  Those things still hold true, not only at a cross walk, but in all areas of life.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a fantastic week!


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