Monday, November 27, 2017

Fighting Depression........................

Hi Gang!

Believe it or not, Christmas is less than a month away.....
I'm struggling to get into the Christmas spirit.  I haven't put up my tree or any decorations.  The stores bombard you with decor in June or July, so by the time it actually gets here, I'm spent.  

How are all of you feeling this holiday season?  

My thought path today is about fighting depression.  For any of you that have experienced it, you will be able to relate.  For those who haven't, consider it a blessing and be so thankful!

For me, part of my depression is chemical and part is from loneliness.  Don't get me wrong.  I'm so thankful and blessed for all that I have in my life.  I guess I get partially depressed because I don't have a significant other to share it with.  

While I try not to think in the realm of needing someone else to make me happy, it's becoming more evident to me that whether you realize it or not, having a significant other in your life can bring you happiness and peace.  It's something that many take for granted.  Actually, that could be a false statement to a point.  You can't take for granted what you don't even realize.

What do I mean?  
Have you ever really stopped to think about how enriched your life is because of your significant other?  Probably not.  It's just something we don't take time to think about.  When you have someone to come home to at night, you know you have someone to share your day with, someone to snuggle with and go to sleep with.  It 'completes' you without you even really thinking about it.  

When you have no one to come home to or share your day with, you have a lot of time on your hands to think and that's not always a good thing.  It gives us time to over-think and that can result in depression because of thinking about what we don't have in our lives.

Depression can be extremely debilitating.  You may not want to get out of bed.  You may not want to shower or get dressed.  Some stay in bed with the blinds closed not wanting any sunlight to come in and don't want anyone looking in nor do they want to look outside.  Sometimes seeing other people happy can be depressing as well.  It's not that you're mad about others' happiness, its the fact that you don't share that same type of happiness.  Depression can lead a person on a downward spiral...........

How do YOU combat depression?

I like to watch comedies on tv, watch YouTube videos or play internet games to occupy my mind.  I also like to spend time with my kids and my granddaughter.  

When you spend time with others, you're not focused on yourself.  

This holiday season, please spend time with the people you love and never forget how special you are!  There is someone out there for everyone.  We just need to have patience while we wait for the right one. 

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a fantastic week as we welcome December this Friday!


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