Friday, November 17, 2017

People Are Funny.............. Strange.....not Ha Ha.........

And It's FRIDAY.......... AGAIN!
Hi Gang!

I sit back and look at people in life.  
I find that now more than ever I just shake my head.  

I've always told my kids that common sense is a gift, not a given because not everyone has it.  I'm not saying that I'm perfect because I'm absolutely not.  What I'm referring to is people not using polite manners and not being honest and those that play mind games.

You may wonder what I mean about mind games.......... Well, it's when someone asks you a question in a sideways manner trying to 'feel you out' about something.  For example, "How do you feel about _______?"  They don't tell you THEIR feelings on the matter, but they want to see how you feel and base their answer off of your answer.  

Sometimes people do this to 'test' you.  If you don't give them the answer they want to hear, they're done with you.  All the while it leaves you with questions in your own mind if you're not aware of what just happened.  

If someone can't be straight forward with you and tell you how they truly feel without playing mind games then you certainly don't need that type of people in your life.  Those who TRULY care about you won't mess with your mind like that.  They'll be honest, upfront and open and you won't be left second guessing their intentions.  

People who say that they're your 'friend', but do this to you, aren't truly your friend.  Be mindful of who you hang around and how they treat you.  The same goes for you as well.  Live by the golden rule ... "Do unto others as you'd have done unto you".  

We all reap what we sow.  If we sow kindness, love and compassion, it will come back to us.  If we sow deceit, anger and betrayal, that will also come back to us.  

James 5:12
                        But above all, my brethren, do not                        swear, either by heaven or by earth or with                  any other oath. But let yourYes” be “Yes,”               and your “No,” “No,” lest you fall into judgment.

Bottom line........PLEASE don't play mind games with people and don't allow others to play mind games with you.  You may not realize it initially, but if things don't seem right and you're questioning things in your mind about the relationship, take a step back and really think about what's going on.  If you're always questioning and feeling unsure, you may want to re-think the relationship.  You may even have to end it if it seems toxic.  It's about loving, respecting and caring about yourself. 💜

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends have a safe, loving and peaceful weekend.  Catch you on the flip side!


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