Monday, November 6, 2017

One of Those Days.....................

Happy Monday Gang!

The sun is shining, so we need to be happy! Right?..................

It's not that I'm not having a good day, it's just one of those days for me when I'm thinking and re-thinking and re-thinking again about so many things in my life.

I'm trying to move on from a relationship I had for a little over a year.  It's never been easy for me to walk away.  I see his face on Facebook, I see when he's actively on, I see his posts....... You may be saying 'Then stop following him or Unfriend him'..........  Right now I just can't.  I wish I could.  I would define what I'm going through as a type of mourning process.  My head certainly knows the deal, my heart on the other hand, just hasn't quite caught up yet.  He was the first man after my divorce that I established a relationship with.  Because of that, my heart is reminiscing today.  I'm not sure why today of all days, but............

I haven't talked to him in several days, so that helps a bit.  I just need my heart to catch up so I can fully move on.  I think about the happy times we've had, but I also remember those times when I've had to call him out on things that just weren't right, that were disrespectful to me.  That helps to reign my heart back in.  

There's nothing quite as painful in a relationship than when it's pretty much one sided.....when you've reached out so many times because you care and put him first, but it's not reciprocated.  For me, it makes me fee unlovable, unwanted and unneeded.  It makes me begin to wonder what's wrong with me.  But that's not the case.  Anyone can try to force love, but if one isn't attracted, it just means they're not attracted.  That's no reflection on the quality of person the other one is.  

We all can't like everyone we meet, that's just a given.  We're also not going to fall in love with everyone we meet.  What a crazy world THAT would be if it were so!  

I'm back out there dating again.  It's not easy, that's for sure.  Sometimes I just want to be settled down with someone already and sometimes I just feel like I'd be better off alone.  The first part was my heart and the second part was my head.  

God didn't put us on this earth to be alone.

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

He wants us to be in a loving and fulfilling relationship, not to live life alone.  I just wish I knew what His plan is for me. LOL  I just need to get into prayer and ask Him .......... and then LISTEN.......


I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have an amazing week!  Be sure to tell your significant other (if you have one) how much you love and care about them.  We all need a loving reminder.


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