Thursday, November 16, 2017

I Am Not The Judge............

Happy Friday Eve Gang!  

Today's Thought Path.......... Judgement...

In this life we're guaranteed to have issues.  

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

There's no two ways about it.  We not only encounter our own issues, but we also encounter issues of our friends and loved ones.  

So many times we're asked how we feel about someone else's situation........whether or not we agree with them or how we think others will view their situation.  

I've found that some people keep their emotions and feelings bottled up for fear of being judged here on earth.  They fear rejection and hatred.  What kind of people have we become that those who are closest to us feel so far away; that feel as though they can't come to us and share what's happening and ask for our support and love?

There are some who have definite strong views one way or another on any particular subject.  We all have the freedom of choice.  But I believe what we truly lack is compassion.  This world has made so many of us so hard hearted, afraid to show compassion for fear of getting used and/or taken advantage of.  We have a tendency to forget that we also need someone to take compassion on us, that we also sometimes need grace and understanding and love.  We throw stones, but live in a glass house.  

As for me, I'm thankful that I'm not the judge.  We'll all do things that are wrong/sinful, and we'll all have to answer for our actions  when our time on this earth is over.  

If you're familiar with the Bible, you may remember the story of the woman caught in adultery who was about to be stoned.  Jesus showed up and said 'He that is without sin cast the first stone.' John 8:7.  They all dropped their stones because not one of them was without sin.  They'd all done something in their lives that was sinful.  It wasn't their job to be judging her.

As I get older, I realize that it's not my job to judge anyone else but myself.  I'm here to love people and not be a hypocrite.  Judgement is God's job and I'll leave that up to Him.  

I'll admit that I've been self-righteous in my life and when that's happened, I've stumbled.

Prov. 16:18
                              Pride goes before destruction, And                            a haughty spirit before a fall.

I've learned that when I don't humble myself, God will humble me.  Believe me, it's much better all the way around if you remain humble and teachable.  When you feel as though you're better than someone else and that you know everything, things will begin to crumble.

I hope that the next time a friend or family member approaches you with something in their lives that they've turned to you for help with, that you'll humble yourself and listen and be a source of support instead of raising your hand to cast a stone at them.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe, and that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, stay humble, teachable and kind.


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