Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Vision Board................

Hi Gang!

It's been a cloudy, cool day here in the hills of Wisconsin today.  I'm ready to go curl up on the couch and watch tv. LOL

Speaking of watching things............. I'm such a visual learner.  I guess you could call me one of the ones who needs a picture drawn for them to learn. LOL  That's ME!

It's almost the end of January, but I really want to do a Vision Board for 2018 before anymore of the year escapes me.

Have you ever done one?  If so, what types of things have you placed on your board?  I have an idea of placing pictures of what I'm working towards on the vision board instead of a check-list type of situation.  

This is kind of what I'm thinking of doing.  I guess I just need to jump right into one and it will be what it will be.  One for next year can only get even better.

Sometimes I think I procrastinate on doing things because I'm scared to goof something up because I don't know what I'm doing.  The only way to learn is to do and so I'l just do it!!

I'd love to see your vision board if you made one!

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again, have a great night!


Monday, January 29, 2018

When To Mind Your Own Business...............

Hi Gang!

We're at the start of a new week and on Thursday we'll be into February ALREADY!!  Whoa time, slow down!

Today's 'Thought Path' is about when we need to mind our own business and not stick our noses into others' lives.  
That goes both ways.

There are times in our lives when we see something that can be a potentially dangerous situation, and that's perfectly fine to speak up in order to avoid someone getting physically hurt.  

There are other times that we sometimes just want to put in our 2 cents worth and it can cause more harm than good.  It can create thoughts in that person's mind that weren't there to begin with.  

You may not always have the full story and jump to conclusions of what you THINK is being said or done (especially in written form without voice or facial nuances).  It can cause a great deal of heartache, headache and unnecessary worry and potentially cause a falling out between two friends or family members that didn't have to happen. 

This has happened to me.  I've spoken when I shouldn't have and others have told me things when they shouldn't have.

While you genuinely care about people, sometimes it's best just to be a listening ear.  We don't always think of what the potential outcome could be because we're just too hyped up to tell the other person about what has happened or what we THINK has happened.  

We have no control over how the other person will process the information once it's been given, but we DO have control over whether or not we tell them the information to begin with.  

Some things to consider would be :

> Is this information for their physical protection?
>  What are your motives for telling the person?
> Will this information cause unnecessary stress?
> Does the situation directly affect you?

Depending on how you answer these questions will decipher whether or not you should say anything.

While we may feel that we want to say something with good intentions, is it REALLY good intentions or do we just feel as though we have something we just HAVE to tell?

Just remember the next time you're in a situation like this to think before you speak.  It could make a world of difference in someone else's life.

I pray that you are healthy, happy, safe, and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a wonderful week!


Monday, January 15, 2018

Sharing Your Heart............

Hi Gang!

It's a snowy Monday here in Wisconsin.  While it looks beautiful, I'd be happier if it only snowed on the grass and stayed off the sidewalks, driveways and roads. LOL

Today's thought path is about sharing your heart.

It's one of the best things we can do for each other.  It shows others that they're not alone.  It gives them hope that their situation will get better and can possibly help give them some ideas as to what they can do to improve what they're facing.

The problem is that many of us don't want to share our hearts.  Why?  Because we may be embarrassed or ashamed of what we've experienced in our lives and don't want to look foolish to others.  On the contrary, it can convey such a sense of relief to someone else.

Have you gone through financial issues, a breakup, a divorce, maybe bankruptcy, the loss of a loved one, an accident, the birth of a child, sibling rivalry, etc...?  These stories are so valuable in the right circumstances.  

Please don't be afraid to share your heart.  You never know who you may help in the process.  You even help yourself because discussing your heart helps it to heal.  Keeping things locked up inside is unhealthy.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a fantastic week and share your heart with someone else when you feel led to do so.


Friday, January 12, 2018

God's Reminders.................

Hi Gang!  

Happy Friday!

Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine today.  I know I sure am!

Today's thought path takes us down the road of what I like to refer to as 'God Reminders'.  

What do I mean by this?

There have been times in my life when I've made difficult decisions and have often wondered if they were the right decisions because maybe I'm temporarily having a change of heart.


When these types of things happen, God has a way of giving me those subtle reminders of why I made those difficult decisions in the first place and that they were, in fact, the RIGHT decisions.

He'll allow things to cross my path as a reminder.  There are times when I've felt sorry for someone I parted ways with.  Then He'll show me something that's happening in their life as a reminder of why I initially walked away.

If you've never experienced anything like this, it may seem as though I'm talking in circles.  

I was recently in a relationship.  I ended it as 'friends', but I'm finding that I'm having a hard time even remaining as friends because God continues to show me things to remind me why I walked away.  

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This was a post I made yesterday on FB.  It was a reminder to me that I'm not being respected nor was I previously.  He would follow other women on FB without friending them and yesterday I saw that he's still doing the same thing.  I expressed, in the past, how I felt about that, but he still continued and still does to this day.  

It just makes me wonder how any relationship can last in this day and age of all the social media.  There is temptation around each and every corner.  How does anyone stay committed in a relationship?  

I admit that I'm a very jealous person.  It's the way I've always been my entire life.  I believe that when two people are in a committed relationship they should have eyes only for each other and not constantly be looking for the 'next best thing'.  

The media teaches us that there is a certain 'standard' of beauty out there and that if someone doesn't look a particular way (like a super model...male or female) then you keep looking to find one that does look like that (apparently regardless of their personality).  You could have the most wonderful person at your fingertips, but if they don't look like some type of god or goddess, you dismiss them.  

This is why I so appreciate those 'God Reminders' in my life.  I sometimes get lonely and/or depressed and my heart starts to mush.  Then He shows me these things as a gentle reminder like, "Hey, just putting this right here.  Think on this a bit.".  

It's enough to bring me right back to center to refocus. Not that I like the facts, but it helps me not to go back down that same path again.  I just wish people could and would be genuine.

When I was growing up I guess I lived in a Norman Rockwell mindset that everything was perfect, that people were honest and trustworthy, that people stayed together, that men were gentlemen and committed to only their spouse, that women respected and loved their spouse, etc....  At least I was disillusioned for awhile! LOL

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Please remember not to judge a book by it's cover and keep the faith that there ARE good people in this fallen world.


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Feeling Like A Fraud..................

Hi Gang!

I'm happy to report that as of this writing, the sun is shining and it's 37* in Wisconsin!  Woot Woot!

I already want to apologize before I get too deep into this blog as I'd promised a while back to be more upbeat.  Well....... today is not that.  I write things as God puts them on my heart to share and this is what's been in my spirit today and the past while.....

Have you ever felt like a fraud?  Have you ever taken a selfie at just the right angle, in just the right light and maybe with a special filter?  Have you ever looked at that picture and thought 'It's a really nice picture, but it's not what I typically look like on a day-to-day basis'?

That's how I'm feeling.  I look at many of my selfies and wonder who on earth is the girl in them because when other people take my picture, I look nothing like the selfies I take.

I've been on some online dating sites and met a few guys there.  I've put my pictures on my profile that include full length pictures so that they know I'm a plus sized princess. Then when I've met them in person, it's as if they didn't really look at my pictures or like they weren't a true representation of what I truly look like because when they'd see me in person, they'd be turned off.  So then I wonder again, am I being a fraud?  Am I not truly representing myself as I am?

I also owe a ton of money between my mortgage, loans, etc... and that makes me feel like a fraud because everything I have isn't completely paid off.  I sometimes fall behind on bills (that I've created myself) and then feel total and utter shame.  I do get them caught up eventually, but when they're sitting out there staring me in the face, I feel absolutely horrible, like a fraud because I'm not perfect with my finances.

Listen, most people like to try to look their best, especially when they're meeting someone new.  We only have one chance to make a first impression.  I think sometimes we see in pictures what we WANT to see and not how things truly are.  We also, if we want to be blatantly honest, try to make ourselves look like an improved version of what we look like in real life through using filters.

And most people would LOVE to have all their bills paid in full and be debt free, but the vast majority of the population owes lots of money and struggle each and every day to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.

I want to make 2018 a better year and I hope you do too.  I want to work really hard to get my bills caught up and give myself some breathing room.  I want to get myself a newer vehicle.  And I want to love myself more and kick anxiety and depression to the curb.

What do YOU hope to accomplish in 2018?  

If you feel anything like I've described above, please know that you're NOT alone even though sometimes it can feel that way.  The devil wants nothing more than to keep us down and feeling defeated.  Kick him to the curb in 2018 too!

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a fabulous week & I'll be praying for you!  And if you have a moment, I'd appreciate your prayers for me as well.


Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year!!!!!!

I'm going to be up front and tell you I did NOT stay awake to welcome in the new year. LOL  I slept and am totally ok with that fact! LOL

It's that time of year where people will be jumping on the dieting bandwagon, looking for the 'magical diet' or buying a gym membership with the hopes of 'New Year New Me'.  Will you?

I, myself, have tried this so many years and fail before the end of January hits. 

For me, I want to try to do something different this year.  I want to focus on learning to love myself more by treating myself better, especially verbally.  I have a tendency to beat myself up verbally.  If I heard two other people talking to each other the way I sometimes talk to myself, I wouldn't be able to handle it.  Therefore, my intention is to be more kind to myself this year.  

Another intention is to get deeper into God's Word.  I know that I've been slipping and I need to catch myself and dig in more and more often.  I've also been delving into the idea of Bible Journaling.  I'm looking into www.biblejournalingministries.com .  They have a website and Facebook page that seem to have a warm feel to them.  You may want to check them out as well.  They also do Bible studies and I like that idea as well.

If you have a free moment, share what you'll be doing differently in the new year.  I'd enjoy reading your comments.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a blessed week ahead!


White Coat Syndrome..........

  WHITE COAT SYNDROME.......... I'm guessing it's mostly just me, right?  Does anyone else get anxiety even days prior to a doctor a...