Friday, January 12, 2018

God's Reminders.................

Hi Gang!  

Happy Friday!

Hope you're all enjoying the sunshine today.  I know I sure am!

Today's thought path takes us down the road of what I like to refer to as 'God Reminders'.  

What do I mean by this?

There have been times in my life when I've made difficult decisions and have often wondered if they were the right decisions because maybe I'm temporarily having a change of heart.


When these types of things happen, God has a way of giving me those subtle reminders of why I made those difficult decisions in the first place and that they were, in fact, the RIGHT decisions.

He'll allow things to cross my path as a reminder.  There are times when I've felt sorry for someone I parted ways with.  Then He'll show me something that's happening in their life as a reminder of why I initially walked away.

If you've never experienced anything like this, it may seem as though I'm talking in circles.  

I was recently in a relationship.  I ended it as 'friends', but I'm finding that I'm having a hard time even remaining as friends because God continues to show me things to remind me why I walked away.  

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This was a post I made yesterday on FB.  It was a reminder to me that I'm not being respected nor was I previously.  He would follow other women on FB without friending them and yesterday I saw that he's still doing the same thing.  I expressed, in the past, how I felt about that, but he still continued and still does to this day.  

It just makes me wonder how any relationship can last in this day and age of all the social media.  There is temptation around each and every corner.  How does anyone stay committed in a relationship?  

I admit that I'm a very jealous person.  It's the way I've always been my entire life.  I believe that when two people are in a committed relationship they should have eyes only for each other and not constantly be looking for the 'next best thing'.  

The media teaches us that there is a certain 'standard' of beauty out there and that if someone doesn't look a particular way (like a super model...male or female) then you keep looking to find one that does look like that (apparently regardless of their personality).  You could have the most wonderful person at your fingertips, but if they don't look like some type of god or goddess, you dismiss them.  

This is why I so appreciate those 'God Reminders' in my life.  I sometimes get lonely and/or depressed and my heart starts to mush.  Then He shows me these things as a gentle reminder like, "Hey, just putting this right here.  Think on this a bit.".  

It's enough to bring me right back to center to refocus. Not that I like the facts, but it helps me not to go back down that same path again.  I just wish people could and would be genuine.

When I was growing up I guess I lived in a Norman Rockwell mindset that everything was perfect, that people were honest and trustworthy, that people stayed together, that men were gentlemen and committed to only their spouse, that women respected and loved their spouse, etc....  At least I was disillusioned for awhile! LOL

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Please remember not to judge a book by it's cover and keep the faith that there ARE good people in this fallen world.


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