Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Feeling Like A Fraud..................

Hi Gang!

I'm happy to report that as of this writing, the sun is shining and it's 37* in Wisconsin!  Woot Woot!

I already want to apologize before I get too deep into this blog as I'd promised a while back to be more upbeat.  Well....... today is not that.  I write things as God puts them on my heart to share and this is what's been in my spirit today and the past while.....

Have you ever felt like a fraud?  Have you ever taken a selfie at just the right angle, in just the right light and maybe with a special filter?  Have you ever looked at that picture and thought 'It's a really nice picture, but it's not what I typically look like on a day-to-day basis'?

That's how I'm feeling.  I look at many of my selfies and wonder who on earth is the girl in them because when other people take my picture, I look nothing like the selfies I take.

I've been on some online dating sites and met a few guys there.  I've put my pictures on my profile that include full length pictures so that they know I'm a plus sized princess. Then when I've met them in person, it's as if they didn't really look at my pictures or like they weren't a true representation of what I truly look like because when they'd see me in person, they'd be turned off.  So then I wonder again, am I being a fraud?  Am I not truly representing myself as I am?

I also owe a ton of money between my mortgage, loans, etc... and that makes me feel like a fraud because everything I have isn't completely paid off.  I sometimes fall behind on bills (that I've created myself) and then feel total and utter shame.  I do get them caught up eventually, but when they're sitting out there staring me in the face, I feel absolutely horrible, like a fraud because I'm not perfect with my finances.

Listen, most people like to try to look their best, especially when they're meeting someone new.  We only have one chance to make a first impression.  I think sometimes we see in pictures what we WANT to see and not how things truly are.  We also, if we want to be blatantly honest, try to make ourselves look like an improved version of what we look like in real life through using filters.

And most people would LOVE to have all their bills paid in full and be debt free, but the vast majority of the population owes lots of money and struggle each and every day to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.

I want to make 2018 a better year and I hope you do too.  I want to work really hard to get my bills caught up and give myself some breathing room.  I want to get myself a newer vehicle.  And I want to love myself more and kick anxiety and depression to the curb.

What do YOU hope to accomplish in 2018?  

If you feel anything like I've described above, please know that you're NOT alone even though sometimes it can feel that way.  The devil wants nothing more than to keep us down and feeling defeated.  Kick him to the curb in 2018 too!

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a fabulous week & I'll be praying for you!  And if you have a moment, I'd appreciate your prayers for me as well.


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