Monday, January 29, 2018

When To Mind Your Own Business...............

Hi Gang!

We're at the start of a new week and on Thursday we'll be into February ALREADY!!  Whoa time, slow down!

Today's 'Thought Path' is about when we need to mind our own business and not stick our noses into others' lives.  
That goes both ways.

There are times in our lives when we see something that can be a potentially dangerous situation, and that's perfectly fine to speak up in order to avoid someone getting physically hurt.  

There are other times that we sometimes just want to put in our 2 cents worth and it can cause more harm than good.  It can create thoughts in that person's mind that weren't there to begin with.  

You may not always have the full story and jump to conclusions of what you THINK is being said or done (especially in written form without voice or facial nuances).  It can cause a great deal of heartache, headache and unnecessary worry and potentially cause a falling out between two friends or family members that didn't have to happen. 

This has happened to me.  I've spoken when I shouldn't have and others have told me things when they shouldn't have.

While you genuinely care about people, sometimes it's best just to be a listening ear.  We don't always think of what the potential outcome could be because we're just too hyped up to tell the other person about what has happened or what we THINK has happened.  

We have no control over how the other person will process the information once it's been given, but we DO have control over whether or not we tell them the information to begin with.  

Some things to consider would be :

> Is this information for their physical protection?
>  What are your motives for telling the person?
> Will this information cause unnecessary stress?
> Does the situation directly affect you?

Depending on how you answer these questions will decipher whether or not you should say anything.

While we may feel that we want to say something with good intentions, is it REALLY good intentions or do we just feel as though we have something we just HAVE to tell?

Just remember the next time you're in a situation like this to think before you speak.  It could make a world of difference in someone else's life.

I pray that you are healthy, happy, safe, and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a wonderful week!


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