Saturday, September 30, 2017

It's A New Day!

Hi Gang!

As predicted, a good night's sleep sure helped!  Was everything perfect?  No, but MUCH better.

I went out for brunch with one of my kids and had a great time catching up.  On the way home I got a text from my BF.  I stopped by to see him.  We talked and things are good. ;)

Like I've said in some of my YT videos, talking is such a good thing!  I don't know why I resist talking sometimes.  Talking to you guys here, or on YT or to friends and family in person, ALL helps!  I only share in hopes of help you know you're not alone.  Thanks for being there for me too!

I've been gone to a work convention this past week and just got home Thursday.  I had a great time while I was gone, but I'm so happy to be home.  Do you ever feel that same way?

While I was on the plane, I've been listening to a book referred by a friend on FB.  It's called 'You Are A Badass' by Jen Sincero.  I know the name may seem over the top, it's been a good listen for me.  I downloaded it from .  I'm better off listening to a book than reading, especially in a moving vehicle.  Reading in a vehicle makes me car sick, so listening helps!  I also listen while I'm cleaning my house.  This book is about giving you some self-confidence, which is what I need.  Her language can be a bit abrasive at times, but she definitely gets down to business.  

I'm not quite done with it yet.  I'm in chapter 22 of 28 right now.  I'll definitely be giving it a re-listen because I couldn't clearly hear all of it the best on the plane ride home due to people talking and the announcements.  

I'm one to read/listen to self-help books.  Yes, I also pray, but I also try to broaden my horizons with books as well.  Just being real. ;)

Anyhoo...... Just wanted you to know that today is a new day and it's a better day for me and hopefully a better day for you too!

Remember to tell the ones you love that you love them.  Give them a HUGE HUG.  Hugs release endorphins that lower your blood pressure, lowers your stress hormone called cortisol and makes you and the other person feel happy.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!!

Until we meet again my friends, have a great remainder of your weekend!!


Friday, September 29, 2017

Rough day.......

Hi Gang!

I'm going to be transparent tonight.  I'm having a really hard day.  Being divorced is not an easy road. I'm thankful for being able to get out of my verbally abusive marriage, but now I'm an empty nester.  While I have my little dogs, they're not the same as being in a relationship with someone.

I've been in a relationship the past year, but he seems to love working on cars & has no time for me.  My hard day comes from sitting in my own muck. We all have to do that once in a while.  We're all human.

I sit & think about life & all the blessings I have & I'm very grateful.  I just never dreamed that I'd be at this age of my life & be alone.  While we can't depend on someone else to make us happy, you have to admit that if you have a significant other & it's a good relationship, it sure helps to get through life knowing you have someone to share your life with.


Please tell your special someone you love them.  Don't take love for granted.  Being without it is a lonely place.

Tomorrow is a new day & after a good night's sleep, things will look better in the morning.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe, & I pray that you all have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again, know that I'm sending virtual {{{HUGS}}} to each & every one of you!!


Monday, September 18, 2017


Good Monday Morning Gang! 🌻🌻🌻

So what did YOU do when you woke up this morning?  

You're probably saying, 'Well, duh!  I got up, got ready and went to work!'. Yes, that's what we do on the surface, but have you ever stopped to realize all the thoughts that go through your mind while getting ready?

Each and every one of us has a 'routine' that we go through when we get up each morning.  For some, it's sitting in the bathroom for the morning constitutional, having prayer time, reading Facebook, Instagram, checking e-mails, etc...  This quiet time, for some, is the only time they'll have to themselves for the entire day.  Once that's done you jump in the shower.  If you're anything like me, there's a routine in the shower as well and also when you're out and getting dressed.  We are creatures of habit.  

While we are in the midst of our routines, because what we do is so automatic, our minds are thinking about numerous other things....maybe what we need to accomplish at work, what will will be for dinner tonight, maybe its a thought about a disagreement with your significant other or wishing you had a significant other, maybe it's worrying about your kids or grandkids, or maybe it's as simple as looking out at the morning sky and realizing it's a beautiful sunrise.

The point is, we can have a multitude of thoughts that mull through the mind at any given time, but especially during those first moments upon waking.  Those thoughts can direct how the rest of your day will go.  

I do try to start out on a positive note.  It makes the day so much easier.  When you come across negative thoughts and negative people throughout your day, try to find a quiet space if even for only 5 - 10 minutes, and re-focus to bring you back to a positive place.  

I know, I know.......... Some days that can be much easier said than done, but we have to try.  It's worth a few moments to bring you back to a place of peace.  Take that time to de-clutter your mind and think on those things that bring you joy.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.  Until we meet again my friends, have a fantastic week!


Friday, September 15, 2017

Are You Looking To The Stars Or Just The Ceiling......................................................

Hi Gang!

Today we are officially at the 1/2 way point of September!  I look around at the trees and notice they're already beginning to change colors.  I think to myself, 'It's not October yet!'..... 😂😂😂

I was at a convention recently, and as usual, I was diddling around with my phone while listening to the presenter.  Professional?  No, but I'm just trying to be honest.  While doing that, I accidentally bumped the camera on my phone and I could see the ceiling lights.  I felt the Lord speak to me asking if I in my daily life was I looking as far as the stars or was I limiting myself to only looking as far as the ceiling.  I found it quite profound.

So many days, like yesterday, I find that I'm only looking as far as the ceiling, limiting my vision to what's immediately in front of my eyes in the natural.  I end up letting my flesh get the better of me and get so wrapped up in the here and now vs seeking God's face and asking Him what He'd have me do in a particular situation.  

The enemy is quite conniving and full of deceit.  Always looking to destroy our lives, he works on getting us so focused on self that we neglect to look beyond..........only giving us a vision of the ceiling and all the issues that the ceiling has pressing down on us.  

I have to be completely honest and say that yesterday I was riding the struggle bus, BIG TIME.  So many things were weighing down on my mind and I felt as though I was falling back into an old pattern.  What pattern, you ask?  The pattern of only feeling good if a certain someone is talking to me, kind of depending on another for whether I feel good or not.  That's another thing I need to work on within myself to change.

We do, however, depend on others for many things.  In relationships we take for granted that unspoken feeling of comfort and peace that we naturally have when we know that someone we love will be home waiting for us when we get there; someone to talk our day over with; someone to eat dinner with; someone to snuggle with, etc....   

When you're single, you don't have that unspoken reassurance.  The enemy can sometimes use the loneliness to work on your mind. That's why having friends is important and reaching out to God first and foremost is extremely important.  

In life I want us all to be so thankful for the blessings we have each and every day whether we're in a relationship or single.  If you ARE in a relationship, PLEASE don't take your partner for granted. Sometimes we get a bit too COMFORTABLE in the relationship and forget to let our special someone know that we love and appreciate them for being there.  May we never come so complacent that we neglect to appreciate those we love.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe, and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.  Until we meet again my friends, have a beautiful weekend with those you love!!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Can We Talk?..................................

Good Morning Gang!

For those of you who take the time to read my ramblings, I sincerely thank you!  I don't write for fame or glory by any means.  I just hope that someone realizes they're not alone & that I go through things just like everyone else.

I'm going to get a bit more personal and serious today.  I've had a boyfriend the past year.  I have very deep feelings for him.  He cares for me, but told me a while back that he doesn't have as deep of feelings for me.  I probably should have walked away when he expressed that to me, but I didn't.  The words did, however, keep playing in the back of my mind.  After several weeks I went to him, sat down, and told him we should probably just be friends since he doesn't share my same deep feelings.    We both cried.  He's been terribly hurt by another in his past and fears getting into a relationship too deeply again.  I've also been hurt, but I can't imagine being alone for the next 30-40 years of my life.  That thought scares me.  I have so much love to give, but because I'm a plus sized princess, many men just aren't interested.  

Anyhoo.............. I just can't seem to get him off my mind.  I think about him ALL the time.  He works nights and I work days, so time together is extremely limited.  We've still been doing some things together when possible, but I can't help but wonder if he's possibly found someone else because our time spent together is getting less and less.  I know, I know........... I went to him and said we should just be friends.  I also know.............. yes, he said he cares for me, but probably not as deeply as I care.  So why on EARTH can't I get him off my mind?  

I normally hit the hay around 9-9:30 at night.  Last night it was after midnight just because my brain didn't want to shut off.  I'm terrible about over-thinking (as you know from a previous post) and over-analyzing.  I can think of so many different scenarios in my mind.  What if this, but what if that, but maybe this........................  If there was one thing about myself I could change, it would be to stop over-thinking/analyzing.  Either I just care too much or am a bit nutty.  Maybe both! LOL

I just like the way my hand fits into his, how we make each other laugh, snuggles, how he grabs my hand to hold it while we're driving down the road................... And those are the things I'm missing terribly.  

It's not easy going home to an empty house.  Don't get me wrong........ I'd rather be alone than be back in my painful marriage, but I don't want to be alone for the rest of my life.  I want a relationship where we're both deeply in love with each other, not just one sided.

Have any of you ever had similar experiences?  How did you handle them?  Were you able to walk away?  Did you stay?

I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I fall in love quickly and deeply.  I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to be like that.  

I'd love to hear from you if you have any suggestions.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!  Until we meet again my friends, have a great remainder of your week and weekend!!


Saturday, September 9, 2017

September.................... Where Did You Come From?? Life Reflections........

Hi Gang!

Is it just me or is this year racing by?

I sure hope your August was a good one.  Mine was strange, but leaves me with many memories to cherish.

Not only has it left me with memories, but it's also given me a chance to reflect on my life; Still trying to figure out what I'm willing to put up with and what I'm not.  

Maybe I'm the only one who coasts in life on auto-pilot, for lack of a better way to put it.  I have a tendency to just deal with how people treat me and not always stand up for myself.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anyone should just go off on someone else, but we also need to be aware of those things that don't bother us and those things that are intolerable in our lives and speak up about it, in particular, relationships.

If you're single and dating, how confident are you with what you're looking for, in what makes you happy and in what characteristics that you find off putting?    Are you vocal about your feelings or are you like me and put up with a lot of things out of fear of hurting the other person?  

I know what I'd LIKE in a relationship, but to find all those qualities in ONE human being can be challenging/daunting.  I can sometimes be afraid to speak up for myself out of fear of being alone again.  I know that when one door closes, another one opens.  But for me I guess I live too much in the moment AND in the future.  

I know that it's good to get outside of myself (to do things with others taking the focus off self), but as I've told you in the past, I'm more of a recluse.  I don't always enjoy being around a lot of other people.  I know this sounds terrible and lazy of me, but being around other people is a lot of work and the older I get the more tired I get when it comes to any relationships.  Don't get me wrong, I love people, but to be around others, kind of, has to be on my own time table for the most part.  When I'm forced into situations with a multitude of people, I get anxious and internally angry.  That can especially happen if it's a situation that's sprung on me or if someone is trying to force me into something I'm just not prepared to do.  

You may ask why that is........... I guess because I've been judged all my life and many times in an unflattering way.  At times it can be emotionally painful when those judgments come out verbally and not just kept silent.  When I'm home alone, no one is there to judge me, to verbally abuse me, or for me to constantly watch others wondering what they're thinking..........

"MAN, she's put on a ton of weight!", "WHY on EARTH is she wearing THOSE CLOTHES?", "She's NOT very intelligent, IS she?", "WHY was SHE put in that position in this group?", "LOOK at her double chin!", "She doesn't belong here!", etc.....

These are so many of the thoughts that constantly go through my mind when I get together with other people.  I don't feel comfortable in my own skin because of always being judged.  I know, other people judge too, including myself.  It's an emotional roller coaster for me.  

I don't know if any of you have ever experienced these types of situations in your life.  I just wanted to share a bit here, vent a little, if you will.  

If you've ever felt like this, how do YOU handle it?  I'd love some feedback.  I know there'll be some that may tell me to pray about it, and I've done that.  I wait on God and will continue to do so, but sometimes we need an earth angel to help us get through some things and give advice and share their own experiences to help each other get through life.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.  Until we meet again my friends, have a great remainder of your weekend!


White Coat Syndrome..........

  WHITE COAT SYNDROME.......... I'm guessing it's mostly just me, right?  Does anyone else get anxiety even days prior to a doctor a...