Monday, September 18, 2017


Good Monday Morning Gang! 🌻🌻🌻

So what did YOU do when you woke up this morning?  

You're probably saying, 'Well, duh!  I got up, got ready and went to work!'. Yes, that's what we do on the surface, but have you ever stopped to realize all the thoughts that go through your mind while getting ready?

Each and every one of us has a 'routine' that we go through when we get up each morning.  For some, it's sitting in the bathroom for the morning constitutional, having prayer time, reading Facebook, Instagram, checking e-mails, etc...  This quiet time, for some, is the only time they'll have to themselves for the entire day.  Once that's done you jump in the shower.  If you're anything like me, there's a routine in the shower as well and also when you're out and getting dressed.  We are creatures of habit.  

While we are in the midst of our routines, because what we do is so automatic, our minds are thinking about numerous other things....maybe what we need to accomplish at work, what will will be for dinner tonight, maybe its a thought about a disagreement with your significant other or wishing you had a significant other, maybe it's worrying about your kids or grandkids, or maybe it's as simple as looking out at the morning sky and realizing it's a beautiful sunrise.

The point is, we can have a multitude of thoughts that mull through the mind at any given time, but especially during those first moments upon waking.  Those thoughts can direct how the rest of your day will go.  

I do try to start out on a positive note.  It makes the day so much easier.  When you come across negative thoughts and negative people throughout your day, try to find a quiet space if even for only 5 - 10 minutes, and re-focus to bring you back to a positive place.  

I know, I know.......... Some days that can be much easier said than done, but we have to try.  It's worth a few moments to bring you back to a place of peace.  Take that time to de-clutter your mind and think on those things that bring you joy.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.  Until we meet again my friends, have a fantastic week!


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