Friday, November 8, 2024
Let Us Support One Another........
Thursday, October 3, 2024
White Coat Syndrome..........
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Toxic Relationships..............
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Living & Learning.............
I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! I know I'm working on that myself.
Each day that we live, we learn new things. Depending on the situation, it could be learning how something works, learn that the lyrics you THOUGHT were the right ones to your favorite song are NOT correct 🤣, we sometimes learn of someone's passing or someone's birth, or you could learn life lessons.
Many times in life we come to a crossroad where we have to make a choice.
Will I sleep in today or watch tv?
Will I go out for breakfast or cook something myself?
Will I get dressed or will I remain in my pj's?
Will I take the new job or remain at my current one?
Should I go to the party, or should I stay home?
Should I buy the new vehicle or continue to love the one that's paid for?
These are only a small portion of crossroads we interact with in life.
Sometimes the crossroads of others can have an effect on our own lives too. The biggest thing to remember is that regardless of what WE feel the other person should or shouldn't do, the point is, it's THEIR choice, NOT yours.
THEY have to be comfortable and confident in their decisions just as you do with your own decisions. You don't want someone else dictating which path you should take, so remember not to do that to others. Just love them and support them with whatever path they may take.
Is this HARD? YES! Sometimes it's downright painful because we may feel we can see a better way or the right path for that person. Unless they're in danger, you need to learn to be still.
I've been going through something similar as I'm an empath and many times feel like I have the right answer for someone's crossroad, but I'm learning to take a deep breath, remember it's not MY decision to make & just be a source of support, hoping the path they choose is for their best good.
People come and go in our lives. Some for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime. Learning to let go of those who've entered your life for a season can be challenging as you may have thought they were there for a lifetime. Wish them well, be thankful for the lessons you've learned from them, and continue to make the best decisions possible for you alone.
I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe......
& I pray you have PEACE in your life.
Until we meet again my friends, I'll catch you on the flip side!
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
There Are Days..........
Monday, July 1, 2024
Living to Die...
Living to Die . . .
It's a beautiful day in SW Wisconsin. It's nice to see the sun & have a break from the rain.
I regularly receive emails I've signed up for from several local funeral homes so I don't miss who has passed away. Upon receiving one this morning, it was of a beautiful elderly woman who passed away in a nursing home. It got me thinking.
We're born, we grow, we're raised, we join the world of the working, sometimes with 2 - 3 jobs to help pay all the bills to keep a roof over our heads and food on the table with the lights on and the warmth of a furnace.
We get so wrapped up in the daily grind that we end up forgetting to enjoy our lives. Before we know it, that dash between our birth and our death has come to an end.
Do you ever stop to think what you've accomplished? Was it worth it to 'keep up with the Jones's'? Will you be buried with all the tchotchkes you purchased in your life? Will all the money you scrimped and saved be buried with you (or burned with you should you or your family choose cremation)?
What I'm trying to do is give you some perspective on life. Yes, we need money to survive, but NO, we don't need an over abundance. I can hear some of you now shouting, 'I bet if you won the lottery you'd think differently!'. I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice to have a lot of money. It's just the point that if you work yourself into the ground for that abundance, but spend no time with family and friends, what good does it do for you to have a million dollars squirreled away, but have no memories of a life well lived?
Yes, be responsible and go to work.
No, don't take advantage of anyone to get ahead.
Yes, be kind and sincere.
But also, don't forget to make a life while you're busy making a living.
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Living Life Unsure . . . . .
Living Life Unsure . . .
Are there situations you come across in life that make you scratch your head and wonder what the hell a person is thinking?
I've been finding myself lately being so judgmental of the things other people are doing. I'm unsure WHY I do that, and I'm trying to live and let live. These things don't pertain to me directly and have no effect in my own life, so WHY do the actions of some anger me so much?
I get that none of us know 'for sure' what to do in life. We take chances and sometimes things work out and sometimes they just don't.
I believe it comes from being an empath ... when one person is potentially jeopardizing the livelihood of another person or an animal, my inner momma bear hairs stand on end, and I go into protection mode.
I struggle to understand why some people do certain things involving another person or an animal. It boils down to responsibility or actually the lack of responsibility. One time is a learning experience, but multiple times is reckless repeat.
If you want to help someone, do it, but know your limits and know their boundaries.
If you're acquiring an animal, unless you work in a shelter, plan on keeping and taking care of that animal for the remainder of their life unless it's something dangerous that needs to be dealt with.
Neither people, nor pets, are a disposable item. They deserve the love and care we want for ourselves. They're helpless in many cases and depend on us. They sometimes have accidents, but that's no reason to get rid of them.
It's why there are so many posts at Easter and at Christmas concerning giving the gift of a pet. Some recipients are not old enough or the family may not be financially equipped to care for a pet. You can look like or feel like a hero for a few seconds, but that animal, if not cared for properly, can be in for a world of hurt, but you won't know because you were merely the gift giver and you've walked away.
It's also not wise to offer to help someone if you're unable to provide the time and attention they deserve. While it's wonderful to offer assistance if you're TRULY willing to help, it's an awful thing if you offer, but then make excuses for not helping them. You'd be better off not offering in the first place.
People and animals are living beings with feelings. You may not consider that an animal will 'take any hurt' if you've been loving them and suddenly decide to get rid of them, but they too are thrown for a loop. You've been their human and suddenly you don't want them any longer. They go to another home still looking for you and feeling the heartache of the loss.
With these explanations, I guess that's why my inner momma bear hairs stand on end when I see people and animals being mistreated or tossed aside like they mean nothing.
"Do unto others as you'd have done unto you."
If you don't like horrible treatment or to be disregarded, DON'T do it to others whether human or animals.
I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe....
And I pray you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!
I'll catch you on the flip side!
Saturday, June 29, 2024
Loving Someone VS. Being IN-LOVE With Someone
Water & Trees......
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
Politics - Orange is the new OddBall
Orange is the new OddBall
I'll never quite understand some of the political feelings of some.
Someone can outright lie on camera and live in front of thousands of people and they STILL believe the lies. If this were anyone else, it would be said to be an outrage. For some reason this
Orange Abomination
is believed and supported by so many. I wonder where in the world their minds are. If any previous POTUS were to have acted this same way, they'd have been imprisoned immediately or sooner.
While I know not all in that political party agree with the
Orange Abomination,
I feel that those that do could easily put a monkey in the White House as POTUS as long as he's from the elephant's zoo.
While everyone has the distinct right to their own opinion, I wonder where on earth their common sense has gone.
I've always told my kids that common sense is a gift, not a given, because not everyone has it and it's even more evident in today's world.
Let your vote be your voice. That's the most important thing at the end of the day. If you're 18+, be sure you're registered to vote and get to the polls this November 2024.
Let's see if we can make a difference.
I'll catch you on the flip side!
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Be Authentically You
Be Authentically You!!
It’s finally trying to sunshine today after a night of storms! ☀️
Here’s a question for you….
How have you been truly living your life? Are you a people pleaser, doing whatever and saying whatever to keep those around you happy despite how the situation makes YOU feel?
I’ve lived the majority of my life that way, doing and not doing things to keep the peace & living to everyone else’s ideals.
I’ve always put my own feelings aside, taking on any hurt myself instead of subjecting the other person to it. The end result was me living my life in silent misery.
As long as everyone around me was happy, then I could be happy… or so I’d convinced myself.
I’m not truly sure where this way of thinking came from. It could be because my father could be overbearing and I’d do what I had to in order to keep him happy…. It could be because my ex-husband was the same way 🤷🏻♀️. Part of it could be because I’ve lived most of my life with imposter syndrome, never truly feeling like I fit in anywhere and always feeling judged, just wanting others to like me. 🤷🏻♀️
As a 55 (56 in October) year old woman who has been through ovarian cancer resulting in a complete hysterectomy & a later reoccurrence with surgery, thyroid cancer (2 different types) resulting in a thyroidectomy, a mucocel appendix resulting in an appendectomy, …. I’ve decided to do something for ME, even though I knew some family & friends wouldn’t approve. I got my first tattoo & I love it!!
I have to admit that it felt SO GOOD to truly do something for me & making myself happy! 😊
Stop trying to keep others happy! I’m not saying you should be a jerk. But know that your happiness is worth so much more than you may be giving it credit for!!
Life is short! Eat the cake, buy the crystal, get a tattoo!
You deserve it!!
I pray that you’re healthy, happy & safe….
And I pray that you have PEACE in your life!
Be authentically YOU!!
Tuesday, April 16, 2024
PRESSURE ...........................
Hello if you find yourself here again! I hope you're staying safe in today's wild tornado watch weather. 😉
- 1.continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it."the slight extra pressure he applied to her hand"
- 2.the use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make someone do something."the many pressures on girls to worry about their looks"
Above is the definition of 'Pressure'. We all have pressure in our lives from time to time, don't we? Whether it's physical pressure or stressful pressure, sooner or later, we all feel it.
How do YOU handle pressure..... that of the stressful kind? Do you go for a walk, hit the gym, seek out professional therapy or talk to a friend? Have there ever been times when you're just fed up with a situation, but unsure how to deal with it?
I find that sometimes we cause our own stressful pressure, while at other times, the stress is coming from an outside source other than ourselves. Maybe it's someone at home or someone at work or someone in your group chats, etc...
Have you ever tried to address it yet nothing changes? To me, that's when the EXTRA STRESSFUL PRESSURE happens. You can address the situation in hopes that things change, but when they don't, you get even more stressed because you're unsure of how to proceed.
Sometimes, if at work, higher ups need to be brought in and that's when things get extremely uncomfortable. It isn't because they'll intervene to help correct the situation, it's because of the fear of not knowing what the repercussions will be as a result. Will you be retaliated on even though it doesn't directly concern you? Will that person get their pink slip, that you never intended for them to get?
Part of what makes up the pressure is our own thoughts ..... the dreaded 'overthinking'. We play out a multitude of scenarios in our minds of the potentials of what COULD happen. I'm guilty of that 100%!
Sometimes I journal, although that can be dangerous should someone find those thoughts. I sometimes talk things out in therapy, but now my therapist has retired. I'm happy for her, but sad for me. LOL
I try to distract myself with other things (music, tv, podcasts) while I wait for the pressure to ease up.
I'd love to hear how you handle stressful pressure. Any tips and tricks are appreciated!!
I pray that you are happy, healthy, safe and that you have
P.E.A.C.E. in your life!
Until we meet again my friends, do your best to work on being as pressure free as humanly possible.
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