Saturday, June 10, 2017


Hi Gang!! Happy Saturday to you all!

Do you look at magazines?  How about tv?  What about the internet or even just your next door neighbor?  Do you ever compare yourself or what you have to the images you see around you?  Then you, like most people, have comparitonitis.

Why is it that we feel compelled to compare who we are, what we look like or what we have to everyone and everything around us?  I think it's just human nature to do so.  The problem with comparitonitis comes in when those images make us feel 'less than', that we 'don't measure up' to someone else's standards.  That can be an extremely dangerous place.  If we consistently compare ourselves to everything around us including people and the things that they possess, it can make us deeply depressed.

We've always been taught through social media that we need to compare ourselves and our possessions to other things and other people because there's some certain standard that everyone else feels we need to live up to. The only standard that we have to live up to is the standard that is presented to us in the Bible by God.  He alone holds the key to the standard for which we are to live by.

 I am no different than anyone else. I compare myself to the images that I see on TV, magazines, on the Internet, etc. but it's not something that I want to live by. When we see so many of the images on body style, body shape, & body proportion, they aren't the norm.  All you need to do is to go to your local store or mall and look around. These are the real people. They're not perfect they're just human beings.

 In all honesty I feel terribly sorry for so many of the models out there. They starve themselves to look like a stick some even to the point of death and for what? To live up to some man's standard of what a perfect body looks like or should look like? We are each individually created by God in His likeness and image the way He wants us to look.

 Now don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that all comparing is wrong. Sometimes we have to compare some things to make sure that we're staying on track in our lives. The best thing that you can do is to get in a good church and stay there and be with the Church family that will help to build you up and you in turn will help to build them up. God's word tells us that iron sharpens iron. That means that we need each other we help each other to continue to be strong and to grow together.

 I want nothing more than for you to be happy in the skin you're in. Be happy with where you are and what you have. Always remain humble because if you don't you will certainly become humbled. What do I mean by that? If you get too big for your britches God will surely humble you.

Don't ever think that you're better than anyone else or that you cannot be replaced whether it be at your work or even in a position in your church. Everyone is replaceable. That's why it's so important to always remain humble.

Until we meet again my friends, I pray that you are healthy, happy, that you're safe, and I pray that you have peace in your life!


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