Monday, June 12, 2017


Hi Gang!

I hope you're off to a fantastic start to your week.  Hard to believe Monday has rolled around yet again!  It seems like it was just Monday! LOL

Let's get right into today's Thought Path...............

I consider myself slightly recluse.  For those who don't know what this means:

shut off or apart from the world; living in seclusion

While I enjoy people, there are times when I just want to shut myself away and be completely alone.

When you work outside the home and you deal with people all day, at least for me, I have a tendency to want to just go home, lock the doors, keep the lights off and be alone.  

I'm sure there are those that think "Seriously?".   Some may ask why I feel that way.  I think we all need 'alone time' in our lives just to re-charge.

I'm here to openly admit that I have a problem.  You're thinking, "Oooooo something juicy!".  Not at all.  My problem is that I over-think most EVERYTHING!  I over-analyze what other people say, what other people do or don't do, trying to read other people's minds/thoughts, etc...  I think most of the reasoning behind that is that I'm trying to figure out of they like me, if they're mad at me or what they're feeling/thinking.  I struggle with just letting things be the way they are without having to figure it all out.

I believe the other reason I over-analyze is because I'm not a barbie doll.  I'm not the cute, little, blonde bombshell that people seem to be attracted to.   I'm quite hard on myself and by being recluse at times, no one can judge me and I won't be judging myself from their judgements.  

I hope that makes sense and I'm not just babbling!  LOL 

As I continue to work on my self-esteem, I pray that you have an awesome week!

I also pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have peace in your life!

Until we meet again............



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