Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Body Confidence .............

Good Morning Gang!

August is already over half over.  It seems like it was just January.  Time waits for no one.

Today's thought path takes us into an area that I've struggled with my entire life... Body Confidence.

My whole life I've been a big girl.  I was born at almost 9 lbs, I was a very chubby child, a fat teenager and yes, a fat adult.  
(I WISH I weighed now what I used to weigh in high school!)  

Boys used to make fun of me, I mean, WHO in their right mind would date a fat girl?  The girls made fun of me, like, what could I POSSIBLY know?  Apparently my excess weight made me stupid?  My father referred to me as an elephant.  My maternal grandmother was mean to me, always ridiculing me because of my weight, as if my weight somehow made me a horrible person.  

Whether I was at home or at school, someone somewhere was looking down on me. I never felt I had a 'safe' zone except when I was alone.  When I was alone, I had food.  Food somehow soothed my broken spirit.  When I was old enough and had some of my own money, I'd go buy a box of Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls or any other box of snacks, hide them under my bed and eat them in secret.  Food never called me names, never judged me, never rejected was always there for me.  Because of that, I fell in love with food.  

My siblings were enough older than me that they'd moved out and I grew up, for the most part, like an only child especially during the ages of junior high and high school.  I spent a lot of time in my bedroom.  If I wasn't eating, I was doing sit-ups and push-ups and leg-lifts (as if I didn't already get enough exercise on the farm lifting 5 gallon buckets full of feed ~ which I would pump like weights to build my muscles to beat the boys in arm wrestling in school ;)  ~)  But I figured I needed to continue to exercise to try to 'get thin'.  

I was always looking at myself to see if I'd changed.  (As if a few sit-ups was going to change me instantly.)  I would also look in the mirror and wonder why people judged me in such a negative light just because of my weight.  I'm a good person.  I'm kind and considerate and would rather take on anyone else's pain onto myself rather than see them in pain.  So WHY did everyone treat me so poorly?  

Part of me used to think, I guess I need to be a bee with an itch in order to get people to treat me better.  Anyone that knows me knows that's not in my DNA.  I'm a 'live and let live' kind of person.  I'm nice to you, so please just be nice to me.  How hard is that?  Instead, I'm nice, but a good portion of the time I get looks up and down my body with subtle looks of disgust.  Those judgmental glances are so painful.  I get them from both males and females alike.  

Also, from the area of dating, I've met several men online.  They seem to like my face, but once they see my whole body they want to run the other way.  If you've never experienced that, you have no idea how completely gut wrenching that is.  I typically don't even get a chance for them to see my inner beauty.  

What I have to begin to understand is that it's their problem, not mine.  If they're that shallow, then they're obviously not worth my time or attention.  It's just always hard to deal with the rejection.  I've been rejected so many times in my life, more than I could possibly count.  

Don't get me wrong.  I know that I'm far from the only one who's ever dealt with rejection, but when you're going through it, you feel like the only one because it is absolutely crushing.  It makes me question everything about myself.  I'll sit and cry because of feeling rejected, feeling a failure, feeling ugly, feeling worthless and feeling alone.  That's a hard spot to be in for anyone.

What I'm trying to do is to change how I see myself.  

You know that what you're told over and over, whether it's positive or negative, you begin to believe it.  That being said, I need to start telling myself positive things over and over until I begin to believe it.  I need to encourage myself.  

We all need to encourage ourselves and be kind to others as well.  

I challenge you today (and myself ) to say just one kind thing  today about yourself.  Then do it again tomorrow, and the day after, until you've completed a whole week.  

Once you get one week in, say two kind things about yourself for the next week, and so on.  Lets see if we can change the world one kind word at at time!

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, stay positive and I'll catch you on the 

Monday, July 30, 2018

Enjoying Planning........... Decorating A Planner

Happy Monday Gang!

I know it's been a hot minute since I've blogged, but I've got something fun I want to share with you that I've been up to!  

I got into using planners a couple years ago, but recently ( the past few months) I've gotten more into the decorating planners.

I'm such a visual person, so I love seeing all the colors and what I can create.

This is my 'Bullet Journal'.  What does that mean?  I promise that no guns were used in the creating of this journal. 🤣🤣🤣😤

What it means is that the pages are filled with dots.  You can still draw on the page as if it were blank, or you can use the 'bullets' (dots) to connect to create cleaner lines.  It's up to you.  This is what I've created for the month of August.

This is another one that has 'dutch doors' for each week of August.  I've been playing with each kind of planner to see what I like best.  

I've found that it's given me a lot of peace while I plan and be creative.  It brings a joy to my heart and actually makes me excited. :)

This is my Recollections planner with each day vertically.  

The great thing about planners is that you can decorate them however your heart desires.  There is no wrong way to decorate.  What one person may find helpful, you may not and vice versa.  Do what makes your heart happy when you decorate your planner.

Some people purchase the Erin Condren planners.  While they are very pretty, I have found that the Recollections planners are just as nice and are much more economical than the EC's.  

Etsy has a number of shops where you can purchase stickers or you can find free ones online that you can print at home as well.  The ones you order will already be scored, but the ones you print, you'll obviously have to cut apart.  It's whatever you wish.  You don't HAVE to use stickers if you'd rather not.  You can draw or use colored tape (washi tape) or use markers, etc...

I've found that the planner community is so nice.  I love watching planning videos and like with anything else, you'll need to find out who's style of filming/planning you enjoy watching the most.

I also recently found a YouTube channel of a woman who does beautiful drawing/painting creations.

This is her style of drawing/painting.  I love watching people's creativity. :)

I have found that working on these planners, being creative, has helped my anxiety and depression a great deal.  It gives me an outlet to do something fun and takes my mind off of any problems I may be facing.

So today, if you're struggling, try something new.  It doesn't have to be planning.  Maybe you'd enjoy gardening or cooking/baking, music, painting, etc...  Opening up your creativity can be an awesome way to heal your mind and your heart.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a fantastic week and I'll catch you on the 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Finding Peace In Your Life.........

Good Afternoon Gang!

The sun is shining here in Southwestern Wisconsin and I hope that it is where you are as well!

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If you've been here for a hot minute, you know that I always end my blog praying that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Peace is so important in everyone's life.  The problem that arises is when we attempt to depend on someone else to give us that peace.  

We live in such a chaotic world. There are shootings and plane crashes, wars, volcanic eruptions, wild fires, political scandals, etc...  The list goes on and on.  It's quite easy to watch the news and get so worked up and overwhelmed by it all and ultimately lose your peace.

Part of finding the peace in your life is just shutting things off.  Research has shown that reading the news vs watching the news can be so much easier to handle.  When watching the news, there is usually music involved as well as the dramatic way the news is presented.  So from a news perspective, try reading instead of watching.

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Another help in finding peace is getting off social media.   I remember the days when there wasn't such a thing as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, etc...  Today, our phones are almost attached to our hands.  We've forgotten what it's like to have face to face interaction with each other because we're afraid we'll miss something on social media.  I'm just as guilty as anyone else!  Just the feeling of NEEDING to be connected to what's going on at this instant can disrupt your peace.

Are you always on the go?  Sometimes we need to just slow down and find peace within.  Sometimes that's from reading the Bible or an uplifting devotional.  Sometimes it's just not listening to or reading anything, but getting in a quiet place and relaxing.  It's good for us to be 'un-plugged' for a bit.  

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Now, for some of you, I'm guessing you're already thinking 'There's NO WAY I can un-plug!  I'm just too busy!  People depend on me!', etc...  

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Yes, I know that many people depend on us for a variety of reasons, whether its at our job, or in our home, or in a group we volunteer for, but it's still so important to un-plug.  It doesn't have to be for a long period.  Just start out with 5 minutes at a time.  Shut off your phone, TV, or radio.  Put down the book, newspaper or magazine.  Find a quiet place in your home, a place that you designate specifically for quiet time and reflection.  At first, it may be a difficult endeavor, but the more times you try it, the easier it will become.  

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We have a tendency to get so busy in this life, we forget to take time out for ourselves, to find our inner peace.  As a result, we get angry, frustrated, full of pain and end up lashing out at those we love.  

There is no shame in taking care of yourself.  When you take care of yourself and find your inner peace, you have plenty of yourself to share with others.  You can't give out what you don't have to begin with.

You also can't depend on others to give you peace.  It's not their job.  And when you depend on others for peace, it only works against you.  You set yourself up for a letdown.  We can only be responsible for our own.

If you sat down today, just for 5 minutes, could you think of 2 things you enjoy doing?  Are those things something you could do today?  For example, maybe you enjoy swimming.  It may give you joy and peace at the same time.  Or maybe you enjoy hiking?  This could do the same thing.  Maybe you enjoy crafting or have always wanted to write a book.  Think of those things that only you can do that give you great joy and try to incorporate them in your life a little bit at a time.

Remember to always keep healthy boundaries with people and also with social media.  Some situations are just plain toxic and you deserve so much more!!

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, take time out for YOU today.


Friday, June 8, 2018

Suicide is NOT the Answer..........................

Today's 'Thought Path' is about :

Suicide is something that has touched my life personally.  My brother committed suicide 22 years ago and my grandfather 32 years ago.  My son had one of his best friends commit suicide just a few weeks ago and as the world has learned, we've recently lost Kate Spade and now Anthony Bourdain to this same painful tragedy.  Another one, who I greatly miss, is Robin Williams.

As I've always told my children, suicide is NOT the answer.  

Unfortunately, there are those who are in such a dark mental place that it's difficult for them to see the brighter side of life.  The recent deaths show us that no matter how much money you have, it CAN'T buy you happiness.  

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Mental health awareness needs to be brought out even more into the light.  People need help via counseling and sometimes medication as well and there's NOTHING wrong with either of those things.

For years, so many people have been ridiculed for going to see a therapist or as some refer to them, a 'shrink'.  People who've gone to counseling were considered freaks...only crazy people see a shrink...etc...

That is WRONG!  You go to the doctor when you have the flu or a cold.  You go to the doctor if you need surgery or a cast for a broken bone.  So WHY is it such a stigma to go to a doctor for your mental health?  

We need to change the way the world views mental health.  If more people would seek mental health help, I believe we could lower  suicides, murders and homicides drastically.  

If  someone you care about is dealing with suicidal thoughts, please don't ignore it.  They're trying to reach out for help.  Be there as a source of support and encourage them to talk to a professional.  Let them know that it's ok to seek help and that you'll walk alongside them as a source of support.

We ALL need help sometimes.  Whether it's someone you care about or it may be you, the one reading this blog.  Know that you ARE loved and cared about.  Don't be afraid to reach out for help and don't stop until you find the help you need.  

I, myself, have been to therapy many times.  I'm also on an anti-anxiety/depression medication and I'm not afraid to tell you that.  It was the BEST thing I've ever done for myself.

Just know that if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me.  I have a good listening ear!

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.


Until we meet again my friends, be safe and know that you're greatly loved.


Friday, May 25, 2018

Take Care of You.............

Happy Friday Gang!

I've been out and about traveling and surprisingly got some much overdue rest and relaxation.  I came back with a new perspective and today's 'Thought Path'.....

~ Take Care of You ~

I'm the kind of person who has looked after so many people in my life and have neglected myself.  I've always put my needs on the back burner because, after all, it's just me and I can take care of myself 'later'.  

This past week I got an amazing amount of rest and also got out of my shell a bit.  Sunday I went to the Columbus Zoo all by myself.  Yep!  No one to go with me to keep me company, no one to talk to, but also no one to rush me or want to go see things I may not have been interested in.  It was just time for ME.  

For some, you may think I was being selfish, and you'd be absolutely correct.  It's long overdue for me to actually think more of myself than a fat, unattractive, stupid blob who has absolutely nothing to offer.  Yep, you read that correctly.  That's been my view of myself over the years.  Way too fat, so that means I'm stupid, lazy and have nothing to offer anyone.  These are old tapes that have played over and over and over in my mind for far too long.  

Do you know that when you keep telling yourself something over and over, whether it's good or bad, you actually begin to believe it?  That's been my life.  

If you read my last blog post, you know that I've carried some hurtful comments in my mind and heart for a long time and ended up letting them define who I am as a human being.  I'm beginning to change those bad tapes in my mind.

Tuesday night I went out to dinner with a bunch of work colleagues at an Italian restaurant and after a couple of glasses of wine, I opened up that the old me would have hibernated in my room instead of coming out to dinner.  I also opened up about my anxiety in larger groups and the feeling of never being good enough to associate with people in my working life and sometimes in my personal life.  

They were flabbergasted that I felt that way.  They had absolutely no idea.  

That's the thing with emotions/feelings/thoughts, they don't always translate on the outside, but can weigh heavy on the inside.  

The past 5 days in Columbus has been such a wonderful experience for me in so many ways.  I was able to rest, recharge, start eating better, getting some exercise, listen to some great speakers and hanging out with some really amazing people.  It was a great combination to rejuvenate my mind and heart to do something better for myself instead of always putting myself last.  I've always put myself last and it's WAY overdue to change that.

I felt so amazing last night that I actually did my dishes, did a huge amount of laundry and some tidying around the house.  Normally I'm in such a cloud of depression I just come home and sit on the couch and close out the world and do nothing.  

The path of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step.  The past 5 days began my journey to 'taking care of me'.   I've never felt this amazing in a very long time.  I actually feel alive again and it's not because of anyone else in my life to make me happy.  I used to think the only way I could be happy was with a significant other.  I'd still enjoy to share my life with someone, but my happiness is not dependent upon someone else and I finally realize that.  

Living life is like the survival response on a crashing plane........put the oxygen mask on YOURSELF FIRST, THEN help others.  I just put my mask on and am taking some good, cleansing breaths.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, enjoy the extended weekend and be sure to thank those past and present military people for their service for our country keeping us the land of the free and the home of the brave.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Am I Good Enough............

Happy Monday Gang!

Hope you're all having a wonderful start to your week.  It was a stormy night here in southwestern Wisconsin.  I normally sleep through storms, but not last night.

The sun is peeking it's head out today, so that definitely lifts the spirits! :)

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Today's 'Thought Path' takes us on a journey of:
Am I Good Enough?

I'm sure there have been days in everyone's life where we wonder if we're good enough.  If you've ever asked yourself that, have you ever wondered WHO it is you wonder if you're good enough for?  I guess we could lump it up as society as a whole.

I'll just share some of my own personal feelings on the subject.

As we all know, social media is EVERYWHERE & it can definitely make a person question their own existence and why are we even here if we're not perfect the way some people are portrayed in the media. (Note: There is a lot of photo shop and face tuning out there!  Don't be fooled!)

While social media is a challenge, comparing ourselves to others ideals is a challenge. I'm more challenged by the people in my own life, those that I come in contact with on a daily basis.  When I'm face to face with people, I have a tendency to watch their facial expressions and read them.  I can usually tell when I'm being judged for being overweight even though a word is never spoken.  Do you know the look?  The up and down look of your body and the look of disgust even though they may be trying to hide it.  I notice...... we exchange pleasantries and go about the rest of our day.  

The thing the other person doesn't know about me is the fact that I'll carry that look with me throughout the rest of the day and the days to come.  I'll continue to analyze myself and fat shame myself because I'm not a petite person, because I don't fit into that person's ideal of what they THINK I should look like.

While I'd love to look like a super model, I just don't.  Could I be thinner?  Absolutely.  Have I tried?  Absolutely.  Apparently I've just not tried hard enough.  But because I carry extra weight, does that automatically make me 'not good enough'?  In the eyes of some, the answer would be a resounding YES.  

The thing is, I don't just struggle with my weight as my 'Am I Good Enough' thought path......I struggle with other people's judgement of me, PERIOD.  If I don't say just the right words or if I don't have the answer to a specific question or if I can't remember something, I'm looked down upon.  That makes me want to stay home and hide where no one can see me, hear me or judge me.

Now don't get me wrong.  I'm not having a pity party.  I'm just trying to share with you what I go through on a daily basis.  I know that I'm not the only one, but some days it sure feels like it as I'm sure it does to many others as well.

Why are we such a damn judgmental bunch of people?  

We can certainly be our own worst enemy, partially because we overthink things and partially because we care so much about what other people think of us, how they view us.  

Ever since I was a young girl I've always been belittled and looked down upon.  I was made to feel that anything that came out of my mouth was utter stupidity (my brother's opinion), that I was too fat (my father once referred to me as an elephant when I was in high school), I'd try to reach out to boys I liked in high school only to get publicly humiliated in the halls...some classmates would be very condescending to me because I wasn't a cheerleader, blonde or have a perfect figure so in their eyes it made me automatically stupid, even as an adult I feel looked down upon during meetings and gatherings, etc...  I've struggled with these demons in my head all my life and it's why so much of the time anymore I just like to stay home with my 2 dogs and lock the doors.

If we could only get out of our own heads and not worry about everyone else's view, we'd be so much better off.  The only one we need to be concerned with is God.  He loves us and He'll never leave us nor forsake us.  He tells us that in His word and He's not a man that He should lie.  

Deuteronomy 31:8  (NIV)

The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”
Numbers 23:19 (MSG)
God is not man, one given to lies,
    and not a son of man changing his mind.

Please know that you ARE good enough.  Don't let anyone pull you down into a pit of pain.  Your life is worth SO much more!!  Just know that I'm telling this to myself as well as telling you.  I need to hear this in a huge way myself.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a wonderful rest of your week and know that I'm here should you need a listening ear.


Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Who Makes The Decisions.................................

Hi Gang!

Where IS the time going?  I know I sound like a broken record, but it's May 2018 already!!!!!!!!!  Woah baby!

Today's Thought Path takes us down a road of decision making in relationships.  Who makes them and why?

I guess I've been conditioned since the beginning that men make the decisions for the most part.  That we, as women, wait on the man to make the decisions.....

Will he choose me?
Will he call me?
Will he make the first move?
If he does, will he choose to keep me?
Once he's made that decision, what will we do in life?
I'd like to do this or that, but will he want to?  

In today's modern society, many women are very 'take charge'.  I find that I'm not always one of them.  I have a tendency to always WAIT.  I've always been a people pleaser and always want the other person to be happy even if it costs me my own happiness.

I know some of you reading this are saying "WHAT?  Are you CRAZY?".  But truly stop and think of your own life.  Regardless if you're male or female reading this.  What is it like in your current relationship and in past relationships?  Who makes/made all the decisions?

I know for myself, I feel as though I'm always the one waiting on the man to make the decisions... aka....where he wants to go, when, why, with who, etc.....  

Again, I believe it comes down to people pleasing and I just don't want to live that way anymore.  What exactly do I mean?  I'm not saying that I'll be the only one making any decisions from now on, but I definitely want to partake in the decision making.  I don't always want to feel as though I have to wait until he wants to do something.  I want to make suggestions.  If it's something I really want to do and he doesn't, then I'll still do it myself and he can do his own thing, but if he really cares about me he'll have no problem doing what I like to do as well, showing me he cares.

Another part of this scenario is support.  What I mean is that in a relationship, everything can't always be one sided, one always being supportive and not having that support returned.  

Example:  You're always running errands for him, going with him to see his family & friends, etc..., but when it comes time for things that are important to you, he'd rather stay home and doesn't want to be bothered or would rather hang out with his friends.  He needs to return the support and be there for you in all aspects as well.  It's mutual respect.  If there is none, the relationship is doomed to fail unless you're willing to continue to put up with that type of disrespect.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not man bashing in the least.  I'm merely saying that you also have the right to be happy in your relationship.  You don't need to be a people pleaser at the sake of your own happiness and sanity.  (This is true in the reverse as on the waiting side.)

I hope this jumbled mess makes sense.  

Bottom line is, don't be afraid to speak up for your needs and desires.  Don't be anyone's doormat.  You deserve love and respect just like everyone else and nothing less.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe, and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a terrific start to May!


Sunday, April 29, 2018

Learning When To Let Go............

Hi Gang!

Happy Sunday to you all!

It's sunny 😎 and 59* here in Wisconsin.  I hope you're having beautiful weather wherever you are today!

Today's Thought Path is .....
Learning When To Let Go...........................

Are you someone who loves fast and falls hard?  I'm definitely one of those people.  When I do, I put everything into it.  Unfortunately, the other person doesn't usually do that, which is heartbreaking for me.

The other heartbreaking part for me is learning when to let go.  I always hold out hope that things will change and the other person will change his mind.  That doesn't happen.

I set myself up for a letdown yet again last night.  I was singing at a function and invited someone to come to listen.  He chose to be with his friends and totally blow off my feelings.

I keep telling myself that not everyone is into everyone and that's ok.  My mind gets it, but my heart has a heck of a time accepting that.  My heart always wants to give a multitude of chances even though my brain is kicking my heart saying 'When on earth are you going to get the picture???'.  

Ahhhhh........the heart can be so easily deceived, can't it?

For most of my life I've always depended on someone else to make me happy.  I know that sounds terrible, but I guess I was conditioned that way.  If the other person was having a good day, I could have a good day as well.  If the other person was in the pit, I'd fall right in with them.  

I have so much to be thankful for in life and need to learn not to depend on anyone but God for my happiness.   He's the only one who is truly faithful and doesn't change, nor does He lie.  

Side note......the person I invited last night has messaged me this morning asking how last night went.  I've not yet responded and not sure if I even will.  I deserve so much better treatment than what he's capable of giving.  I wish him the best, but he must move on and so must I.

I had a dream the other night that I was with a man so loving and kind.  We were perfect for each other, loving each other to the fullest and could make each other laugh.  We were so supportive of one another.  It was the most beautiful dream I've ever had.  At least for a few brief moments in a dream I truly felt what it feels like to be so totally & completely loved.  I'm so thankful that God gave me that brief glimpse into how that feels.  I can only hope that God will give me that special someone someday.

If you're in any type of relationship where the person is incapable of loving you the way you need and deserve, know that it's ok to let go and move on.  You don't have to settle for less than what you deserve and neither do I.  

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a wonderful and blessed week ahead!


Sunday, April 15, 2018

Depression ......... Thou Art Heartless............

Happy Sunday Gang!

So........ It's spring in April.......
It's also Wisconsin.  LOL

This weather is depressing enough itself, although southern WI certainly fared out better than the middle and northern parts as they've been REALLY hit with the ice and snow.

If you've read any of my previous blogs you know that I deal with depression.  I take a mild dose of meds to help out, but it doesn't completely take it away.

A huge part comes from loneliness in the relationship department.  Watching others, either in real life or on tv who are in love, challenges my mind.  While I'm truly happy for them it reminds me of the void in my own life.

Before you start to judge me and tell me I'm just having a pity party, please realize that I'm extremely thankful for all that I have in my life.  There's no doubt about that.  I just get lonely when I don't have a significant other to share life with.  

I know I'm not the only one that has these feelings.  I'm just crazy enough to write about it and expose myself.

I was in a relationship of sorts in the recent past.  Knowing he doesn't feel the same about me adds a bit to the depression.  Also, in all fairness, we just aren't attracted to everyone we meet.  It's just taking time for my mind and heart to heal.  Part of me wants to cry while another part of me chastises myself for wanting to cry feeling that it's ridiculous. 

The biggest issue seems to just be my weight.  I know I'm too heavy, but that doesn't make me a bad person.  Unfortunately we all seem to judge from the exterior rather than the interior.  

With depression, it doesn't just manifest itself in feeling down/blue, it shows up in always wanting to sleep, not wanting to work, not wanting to clean the house, not wanting to be around anyone, etc...  I know that sounds backwards in what I've just been saying about feeling lonely, but when all the feelings work together in the mind, a person gets to a point that they don't want to be around anyone.  

When you have a significant other to share your life with, who listens, laughs, loves and lives life with you, life is so much better.  It keeps you healthier and happier.  

If you have love in your life, be so thankful and don't ever take it for granted.

Also, be kind to everyone you meet.  You have no idea what battles they fight in their lives.

I pray that you're healthy, happy, safe and I pray that you have P.E.A.C.E. in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, be kind to one another.


White Coat Syndrome..........

  WHITE COAT SYNDROME.......... I'm guessing it's mostly just me, right?  Does anyone else get anxiety even days prior to a doctor a...