Friday, January 27, 2017

Leave A Little Sparkle...................

Hi Gang!  HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!  Woot Woot!!

I hope you've been having a great day and are excited for the weekend like me!  Because I work away from home, peaceful time spent at home is so special to me. 

Let's talk about 'Quiet Time'.  You're saying...."What??". 

No matter who you are, what your age, where you live, what you do for a living.......... We ALL need 'Quiet Time'.  It's a time that we need to take to just shut out the world and all the noise that goes with it. 

A few years ago I spoke with a young newlywed who told me she had a hard time being alone and thought I was a bit of a nut for saying that we all need quiet time.  She's since had a couple of children and came back to me to say she finally realized what I meant.

It's not only parents that need quiet time, but everyone.  I do remember as a parent, however, that special time in the evening when it was bedtime for the kids.  It was a time of peacefulness to sit in the quiet and enjoy an hour or two before heading to bed myself. 

Having quiet time gives your mind and body a chance to rejuvenate from all the craziness of the day.  There's just something about sitting in the still of the day.  You can have some devotional time and just a time of thinking about absolutely nothing.

Do you ever feel that there are so many things that people are trying to force you to think about/focus on?  Sometimes my brain just goes into overload and I have to back away and get quiet somewhere.

I'm the type of person who craves peace and to have things going along in life on an even keel.   I can get so filled with anxiety when I feel pressured.  I know I'm not unique in feeling this way, but I can only speak from my own personal experiences. 

One thing a friend taught me a few years ago is the fact that it's OK to say 'NO'.  You're probably scratching your head or laughing at me knowing that it's always ok to say no.  'No' can be a very difficult word to say.  So many people want you to do things, go places, commit to doing something, and rather than let them down, we can have a strong tendency to say 'Sure! No problem!  I'd love to!', while deep inside we're saying, 'No!  I really don't want to do anything today.  I'm super tired and have no more energy to expend and I'd love to go home and curl up on the couch or go back to bed.' 

I have learned, over time, that it's perfectly fine to say 'no' and the world won't fall apart and the person won't be mad at me.  Yes, maybe they'll be disappointed, but definitely not mad. 

Previously in my lifetime if someone got upset with me, I felt the whole world crashing down around me and felt like the most horrible person.  It would send me into anxiety, tears, fidgeting and looking for something to clean in the house to feel useful.  Unfortunately there wasn't much realization on their part of the mental hurt they inflicted on myself and on others.  As long as they got off their chest whatever was bothering them, they felt better with no regard to what it had just done to me.  Words can cut deeper than a knife.

In my current love relationship, I've often asked him if whatever I've said or done is upsetting to him.  He's always said no and asks why I would ask.  He's been so wonderful to me and it's just taking time for me to realize/re-program my mind to know that not everyone mis-treats people they 'love' and for my mind to realize that mis-treatment ISN'T LOVE.  When you're told something over and over and over, you eventually believe it to be a true statement even if it's not.  It becomes your reality, and to re-program those old thoughts in the mind takes time.

This brings me back to stressing how important Quiet Time is for ALL of us.  The other thing to remember is to be KIND to those around you.  We have no idea what those that we encounter are going through.  They may have had a death in the family, a divorce, an accident, loss of a job, ......... whatever it is, it can bring out a not so great side of the person going through it, so we need to extend an olive branch to those we encounter to try to make their day just a little brighter.

Ok.... enough with all the heavy blogs lately. LOL  I'll be getting some pics this weekend and doing subscription box reviews to lighten things up a bit. :)

I pray that you're healthy, that you're happy, that you're safe, and most importantly, I pray that you have P-E-A-C-E in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, enjoy YOUR quiet time and be sure to be nice to those you encounter.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

This Is Us............. Who Else Loves This Show? WARNING: SPOILERS!!

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

How many of you are following This Is Us on Tuesday nights?  This is one series that I've really found myself enjoying.

Because they flip/flop back and forth between the present and the past, you really need to be paying attention.


Speaking on a personal level, I can relate to Kate with having weight issues.

While I've never gone to a camp for weight loss, I have considered going to one taught by Geneen Roth, but the expense of the camp and the travel is just too expensive for me.  But I do believe that it's a mental thing, that we have to get down to the root of why we eat the way we do before we know how to fix it.

This camp is not only going to potentially help Kate to deal with underlying issues, but she's also going to have some tests on her relationship with Toby.

Here's the new guy....... Duke, I believe...... who is strongly attracted to Kate, looks into her eyes and tells her "This is going to happen"...........   She vehemently denies anything will ever happen. We'll just have to wait and see!

Randall's dad has decided to stop his chemo treatments and wants to make the most of his last days including asking Randall to teach him how to drive.

Kevin has a 'guys' talk with Toby about love and ends up paying a visit to his ex-wife...........

This was just a quick synopsis of last night's episode.  Even though I'm enjoying the love story between Kate and Toby, I'm wondering what's going to happen with Kate and Duke.  It definitely is keeping it interesting!!

LOTS of things going on in this episode, so if you haven't watched it, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR???  I haven't told you everything. 

If you don't have 'On Demand' or a DVR, not to fear.  Simply go to and you'll be able to watch the full episode. 

Let me know YOUR thoughts on what you think of this show.

I pray that you're healthy, that you're happy, that you're safe, and most importantly I pray that you have P-E-A-C-E in your life!

Until we meet again my friends, have a great remainder of your week!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What are YOU looking for?.........................

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

I hope this finds you all doing great! 💃🎉🎉🎉

Something that's been on my mind for a while now has been the thought, "What am I looking particular, in a relationship?".   Sometimes I think I know and yet something will happen and I'm like, "I don't really like what's just happened or agree with what's been said, so why did I go along with it?".

I sometimes feel as though I'm afraid to speak my own opinion on things.  It's as if speaking my opinion will somehow hurt someone or anger them.  This could very well be the case.  Part of it goes back to the thoughts I spoke of yesterday of not wanting to hurt or upset someone by taking on the issues on my own.  The only problem with that is that I'm expecting the other person to read my mind, to know exactly how I feel without me having to speak one word.  Unfortunately, life just doesn't work that way.

While I may be afraid to speak my true feelings, in the end I'm hurting myself and my relationship with the other person.  How can things possibly get resolved if the truth isn't spoken?

 John 8:32
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Some of you may be saying, what in the world do you mean?  Well................. for example, if my sibling and I are discussing the care of a loved one, maybe my sibling thinks it would be best to take our loved one to a certain hospital.  I may not agree.  If I don't speak forth (in love, {gentleness, peace, kindness}  of course) what's on my mind, how is my sibling to know how I feel?  No one is a mind reader.

It comes down to a feeling of confrontation.  I, for one, HATE confrontation.  It's a very uncomfortable place to be in.  I always feel that if I confront someone in a situation, it's just going to end up in an explosion.  I've thought of multiple ways that the discussion can go sour.  I neglect to consider all the ways that things can go in a positive direction.  

In my example above, sharing the information I have with my sibling about the hospital they're considering for our loved one can shed light on things my sibling may have had no knowledge of.  Maybe I know of instances of abuse or neglect.  Not sharing that information hurts me because it rides on my conscience, it angers my sibling if that information wasn't shared sooner and ultimately hurts my loved one going to that particular hospital by receiving terrible treatment.  (NOTE: This is just for example purposes only and has no underlying meaning in my personal life.)

The bottom line is, it's a chain reaction.  Honesty is the best policy even when it feels uncomfortable to share.  

After going through years of verbal abuse from many angles, I've shut myself off from speaking my feelings.   It's either because of fear that it will cause an explosion or fear of being ridiculed & called stupid.  I need to step out of my comfort zone in my relationships and speak my feelings both for myself and for others.  

Have YOU ever felt like this?  Maybe it's a sibling or a spouse/significant other, friend, boss, co-worker, convenience store clerk, etc.....  You can definitely tell them how you feel, but just be sure to walk in love when you do it {in gentleness, peace & kindness}.  We can convey our feelings without being nasty about it.  As I've always told my children, It's not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it that makes a HUGE difference!

As far as what I'm looking for in my love relationship, I'm still trying to figure that out! LOL  I want to be loved just for who I am.  

Ok, in a fantasy life, I'd love to travel the world and see exotic places and be doted on like a queen never having to worry about money or time and be so head-over-heals in love and him the same with me, just spoiling me.  LOL  

I'm trying this honesty thing out.  How am I doing so far? LOL

Anyway.......I pray that you're happy, that you're healthy, that you're safe, and most importantly, I pray that you have P-E-A-C-E in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a great remainder of your day!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Other People's Opinions Of Me Are None Of My Business.................

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

I hope this finds you all doing well!  The past two days have been icy here and I am so looking forward to SPRING!!!

Has anyone ever told you the words I've titled today's blog?  This has been a challenging thought for me to wrap my mind around.

I've always been a 'people pleaser'.  I've always wanted to make others happy regardless of what they had done to me or what the consequences would do to me.  I know how much I can handle (or at least I believe I do) and I have always chosen to take burdens on my own shoulders rather than put them onto someone else.  I'd rather be hurt than for someone else to be hurt.

Some of you reading this are probably thinking I must be crazy for thinking like that.  Others of you will be able to relate as you also walk a mile in those moccasins. 

I'm a peacemaker and try to be a peacekeeper.  I've mentioned this in previous blog posts.  I've been lashed out at with so much anger and hostility in the people around me my entire life that my mantra now is P-E-A-C-E.  Life is far too short not to live in peace. 

In being this type of person, how everyone viewed me has always been HUGE in my life.  What others have said to me has always been taken to heart and I've let it define me.  When you're told repetitively the same thing, you begin to believe it.  I've always been one to wear my heart on my sleeve.

My brother, who committed suicide almost 21 years ago, used to tell me I'd always be tied to my mamma's apron strings and wouldn't amount to anything and everything that came out of my mouth, he told me was stupid.  (I do love and miss him greatly, please understand this, but these were things he did say to me when I was younger.)  In retaliation, I told him something our father said about him and as a result he left home and took a trucking job on long hauls that would keep him away from home.  I still feel terrible telling him what I did.  It was VERY hurtful and to top it all off, I made him pay me for the information.  (Please keep in mind that I was probably only 11 or 12 at the time.  Kids can be cruel, myself included.)

I can remember starting a new job years later and asking the girl who was training me if what I said sounded stupid to her.  She looked at me like I was on dope.  Again, after you're told something over and over, you truly begin to believe it.  It's something I still struggle with from time to time.

One cold winter day while my parents and I were out milking cows, I mentioned being cold.  My dad said "I didn't think elephants got cold?".  It still jabs at my heart still to this day and that was said over 30 years ago. 

I was told that I was nothing and would never be anything by my former spouse among a host of other vulgar names spewed at me.

Hurting people hurt people.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Psalm 64:3
They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim cruel words like deadly arrows.
Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark.

We can cause hurt and misery by saying certain things to others.  Be sure to stop before speaking and ask yourself if you'd appreciate those same words to be spoken to you.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. (And speak those things!  My addition to this passage.)

When someone does say something sharp to you, do your best to turn the other cheek and be sure to pray for them.  Again, hurting people hurt people.  Whatever they're going through in their personal lives is manifesting in the lashing out on others with negativity.

There have been MANY times in my life that I've been lashed out at.  Did I always hold my tongue?  I will be honest and tell you I have not.  Our first knee jerk reaction is for our own flesh to retaliate back when someone hurts us.  I am far from perfect and I've retaliated myself.  Was it right?  No.  But I'm trying each day to do better. 

***    NOTE   ***   I also want to say that if you're currently in an abusive situation, please seek help to get out.  There is a difference between an occasional argument and abuse.   No one should be subjected to abuse.  
Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline
Support, resources and advice for your safety
1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

While your opinion of me is none of my business, I pray that I can make a positive impact on your life and that you would someday pay it forward with a positive impact on someone else's life that you'll touch.

The only opinion of me that matters is that of God's.

I pray that you're healthy, that you're happy, that you're safe, and most importantly I pray that you have P-E-A-C-E in your life!

Until we meet again my friends!

Friday, January 13, 2017

True Beauty........... Are you still wearing blinders.................

Hello Everyone & Happy Friday to you all!

Today's topic is not about beauty products, although I DO enjoy them. LOL

Today is about whether or not you're still wearing your blinders. 

WHAT?  You're probably asking yourself, what on earth is she talking about today?!?

The old saying, 'Beauty is only skin deep', couldn't be further from the truth.  True beauty is measured on a facet of many different levels.

Barbie is just one example of how many people view beauty.  Perfect blonde hair, perfect skin, perfect shape, etc.....

ATM (America's Top Model) is another example, looking for those 'beautiful' people.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  What someone else may find someone extremely attractive, I may not see them that way in the least, at least from the outward appearance only.

Our society, with the explosion of the social media platform, is driving people to look more and more for the 'perfect' mate.  I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but there are NO perfect people.

When we look at someone's exterior, (a 'Barbie' type person) we may get a false sense that they have their lives together, everything is perfect and they have no issues because they're thin and beautiful.  They no doubt have love in their life and a bank account full of money with all the finer things in life.  This is most likely a pipe dream.

Whether you're tall, short, fat, thin, etc........ we ALL have issues.  Somehow, our culture has pounded it into us that everything will be amazing if you're thin and beautiful.  It also makes everyone who isn't, ( a great percentage of us ), feel less-than, that if we're not a certain size we can't possibly find love or a great job or happiness.

I do know, however, that this same type of feeling goes for those who are thin and can't seem to gain weight.  They feel awkward and out of place when someone comments about how thin they are and why don't they eat more to put on weight.  Many people in that situation have a super high metabolism and just can't gain weight.  They feel less-than as well and that's a crying shame.

All my life I've been overweight.  I weighed around 8 lb 14 oz when I was born, so I started out life heavier than many babies.  I am the youngest of 4 children.  My siblings would say I was spoiled.  Of course, I've never felt that way.  Growing up I was ridiculed about my weight either by family members or kids at school.

I remember in 5th grade, our teacher made us each come up to the front of the room to get weighed in and she stated out loud what each one's weight was.  When it was my turn, I wanted to crawl under a rock and die.  My teacher announced to the class "150 lbs".  Oh how I wish I only weighed 150 lbs now! LOL  I felt absolutely horrible.  I don't even remember WHY we had to get weighed in or WHY she felt the need to announce mine and everyone else's weight to the entire class.  It was extremely humiliating.  Other kids laughed, which made me feel even worse.  And of course, it carried on throughout junior high and high school.  Kids can be extremely cruel........

I can remember being in high school and stepping on the scales at home seeing 170.  I thought, "There's NO WAY I'm going to get to 180!!".  Then, wouldn't ya know, 180 I was.  Then I thought, "There's NO WAY I'm going to get to 190!!".  Yep, you guessed it, before long that was the reflection on the scale.  Again, I was adamant that I WASN'T going to get to 200.  You can see where we're going here, right?

My entire life I've watched my weight climb.  There were a few times in my life where I did extreme diets and lost weight only to gain it all back plus some.

While part of me would like to lose weight to feel better, look better, be healthier, part of me doesn't because this is all I've known my entire life.  It's familiar to me, comfortable.  It's also been a barrier to keep some people away.  Unless you've walked a mile in these moccasins, it probably won't make any sense.  If you have, we walk this journey together!

Do I feel truly beautiful?  On the inside, yes.  I have a warm, compassionate heart.  I like to help people and listen to their fears as well as their excitement.  I'm a peacemaker and try to be a peacekeeper.  I truly like who I am on the inside.  On the outside, not always so much.  I'd be ok if no one ever saw me. LOL  I'm perfectly fine coming home after work, closing and locking the doors and being by myself.  It's my safe place.  No one can hurt me there when I'm alone.  Does that make sense or am I just babbling?

Ok, yes, I'm just kind of babbling, but there is truth in the babble if you can read between the lines.  I've learned to look for the true beauty in others.  Are you kind, considerate, caring?  Are you honest and have a good sense of humor?  These are some of the things I consider TRUE BEAUTY.

When I was in high school I had my 'blinders' on.  As I get older the blinders have fallen off & I can now see beauty where I couldn't before and I hope you can too.

I pray that you are healthy, that you're happy, that you're safe, and most importantly, I pray that you have PEACE in your life. 💜

Until we meet again my friends, have an awesome weekend!


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Fairness..........Is There Such A Thing?

Good Wednesday Morning All!  January 11, 2016

What do YOU consider to be FAIR in life?  Or, what do you consider to be UNFAIR in life?

I believe we are all posed with that question daily in our lives.  Fair/Unfair pay......Fair/Unfair parking.... Fair/Unfair diagnosis....., etc...  

When we deal with issues in life, we're usually in the heat of the moment and make decisions based on the small amount of information placed right in front of our eyes. 

It's like holding our hands in front of our face.  Our vision is so limited. 

Many times those decisions can be rash and end up making things even worse than they were to begin with. 

When we take a step back and take a deep breath, it gives us time to gather more information and see a bit larger of a picture of what we're dealing with giving us a chance to make a more rational decision.

Hey, look........ I'm just as guilty as anyone, maybe even more so, of making rash decisions based on limited knowledge in the heat of the moment.  If you haven't, coo-dos to you for being a cut above.  I don't know that there are too many of us who can always do that. 

The other thing we fail to understand during that heat of the moment, especially when it's not the most pleasant situation, is that God has a much LARGER PLAN.  Many times He doesn't give us what we THINK we want because of a hidden danger we're not remotely aware of, but He is.  Or, He just has something even BETTER!!

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord

I'm so thankful that He is in charge and NOT me.  It's not about being fair or unfair.  It's about TRUSTING HIM. 

So next time you're faced with a daunting situation, STOP, take a step back and take a deep breath.  Look around and find out more about the situation before you make a decision.  You'll be GLAD you did!


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

L'Oreal Paris Infallible Total Cover Foundation........... Color 304...........

Happy Tuesday Everyone!  January 10, 2017

There's a NEW foundation in town and it's made by one of my favorite companies, L'Oreal.  It's the Infallible Total Cover Foundation.  I purchased it in the color 304, Natural Buff.  This color matches me pretty close.

I've been testing out this foundation for a few days now.  So far, it hasn't made me break out, which was not the case with the L'Oreal Infallible Pro Glow Foundation.  That one, for whatever reason, made me break out terribly.  Once I discontinued use, my skin cleared up. 

This formula is a very thick and borderline mousse type consistency.  I've applied it with both a makeup sponge (the one by #RealTechniques)

and also with a blending brush by #MakeupGeek. 

While both work well, my choice for this foundation is the brush.  Why?  Because I feel as though I can blend this foundation out more quickly with the brush as it dries VERY quickly.  You don't have much time to mess around.  You need to put it where you want it and be done.

It does have nice coverage, but I would consider it a bit more like medium to full coverage.  I could probably get by without using a concealer, but I'm a diehard and will probably always use concealer! LOL

I've heard that for some it oxidizes on their skin.  I haven't noticed it doing that on me.  If it has, it's only been slight.

I'll be doing a video in the near future to discuss the product.

Also, for upcoming blogs and videos, I've just received my Allure Beauty Box and also my winter Beautycon Box!!  Pictures will be on the way soon!

Have YOU tried this foundation?  What has been your experiences with it? 

I'm giving it a 1 thumb up rating.  Why not 2, you ask?  Just because it dries so quickly and doesn't give much work time with the product, otherwise I'd give it 2!!


Monday, January 9, 2017

Pick And Choose Your Battles......................Patience.....................

Happy Monday Everyone! 

How is your day going?  Mine is better than my weekend.  While my weekend wasn't horrible, it was a true test of my patience and understanding.  It was also a chance for me to realize I was more focused on myself than on my love.

We were invited to a late Christmas party and I really wanted him to go with me.  We've only been together since August and he'd mentioned one other time that large crowds make him a bit uncomfortable.  I told him there would be a free meal, games and prizes, (blackmail? Possibly....) but it just wasn't enough to sway him to go. 

I'm not going to lie.............I was TERRIBLY HURT.  I cried, threw my own pity party and fell asleep.  Upon waking the next morning, it occurred to me how terribly SELFISH I'd been, not taking his feelings into consideration, only my own.  I was TERRIBLY SELF-CENTERED and to him I apologize. 

Many people have different insecurities, be it in large groups of people or small, tight spaces, or even just going outside, just to name a few. 

I had to stop and put myself in his position.  If the tables were turned and I was invited to go with him to a party of his peers, would I go to support him?  Yes.   Does that make me a better person?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  It just means that my personality can adjust to my surroundings.  Had he known more people at the party than just myself, it would have possibly been different and then again, maybe not.

I know he felt terrible as he knew it was important to me.  If it were me with those insecurities, I would have felt terrible as well and I wouldn't have gone either. 

I've always considered myself a compassionate person; sometimes too compassionate to the point of it getting myself into a bad situation.  This time, however, my compassion was very LACKING. :(

In this life we must pick and choose our battles carefully.  Life is so short.  Ask yourself, will this matter tomorrow, a week from now, a year from now?  If the answer is 'no', then don't get into an unnecessary battle.  Chalk it up and move on.  Patience is something I need to work on even harder.

How is YOUR patience / compassion level?  Take some time out today and give it some thought.


Thursday, January 5, 2017

Beautycon Box ~ Winter 2016-2017...................... Dulce Candy..........

Good Morning Everyone!

The sun is shining and although the temperatures are bitter this morning, it's still a beautiful day!!

I have to say that I really enjoy a good beauty box subscription and one of them came last night.  As you can see by the title of this blog, yes, it's the Beautycon Box Winter edition.

The curated by Dulce Candy and has MANY GREAT items inside!

In the near future I'll be going through each item and give my thoughts/reviews.

I've only received this box a short time, but I feel this one, by far, has been the best!

This is a seasonal box.  The Cost: $35.99 a box (ships once a quarter)

As you can see by the spoiler picture above, many items are FULL-Sized!  You definitely get more than your money's worth in these boxes.

Stay tuned for my reviews.



Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Good Afternoon!  January 4, 2017

My mind runs a million miles per hour each and every day.  Does yours?  I can go from something I'm working on that will trip my mind to think about laundry, to a particular piece of clothing and how much it cost and where I purchased it, to cleaning out my closet, to thinking about a special someone I was with when wearing that piece of clothing and what's happening or NOT happening in the relationship, JUST to name a few! LOL

Within all the twists and turns of my thoughts often comes thoughts of insecurities.  Will I EVER get my debt paid off?  Will my family succeed in life?  Will I ever find a close friend that I can confide anything to?  Will I ever get married again?  Am I too unattractive, too fat, too flawed physically, mentally and emotionally?

One of my biggest insecurities is in love/trust.  I just want to get to a place where I feel totally at peace with how things are in my love life.  I have a terrible tendency to second guess myself and other people.  Don't get me love has been nothing but kind to me, holds my hand all the time, texts/calls me daily, comes to see me multiple times per week, but due to my own insecurities, I wonder in the back of my mind, will it last or will it all fall apart?   Will he tire of me and find someone else prettier, skinnier, etc... .   God is the only one who knows that. 

These are just a FEW of the MANY questions that go through my mind on a daily basis.  It's always important to remember that God is Large and In Charge, not me.  He has my whole life in the palm of His hand yet it's so challenging to die to myself daily (letting go of all the insecurities and handing it all over to God - I'm still a human being).   It's important to constantly remind myself of WHO is REALLY in charge.  I'm thankful it's NOT me!  I'd REALLY mess things up! LOL

For MANY years I was made to feel insecure, stupid, worthless, fat (which I know I am... ;) I just don't need to be reminded by someone else. I DO own a mirror to which I look at myself and beat myself up daily as is.).  No, I shouldn't do that, but after you've been told horrible things for a good portion of your life, you begin to believe it and to turn those thought processes around is a long and arduous task!

I've been through a year of therapy to get the mental tools needed to deal with the negative cards that were dealt to me most of my life.  It was a WONDERFUL HELP!  I HIGHLY recommend therapy to ANYONE.  It used to be such a taboo thing as people would think of you as a lunatic for seeking therapy. 

WOAH! Talk about transparency today! LOL  I'm going to continue to get more transparent in hopes of helping others in similar situations so that you all know you're NOT alone!

Sometimes when we're going through a difficult situation, it's easy to feel like we're the only one this thing has happened to and that no one else could possibly understand how we're feeling.  Please rest assured that you're not going through any particular situation alone.  It's so important to reach out to others and COMMUNICATE!  When we close ourselves off, we're only hurting ourselves.

Now.......Just to clarify.......... Do I mean you should air out all of your dirty laundry on social media constantly?  ABSOLUTELY NOT!  What I AM saying, is that when you're going through a situation, reach out to family, friends, clergy......SOMEONE, someone that you trust.  Talking about the burden  helps you to deal with your situation.  ALSO.......... DON'T beat the situation to death by OVER-talking about it.  There is a fine balance in everything.

Bottom line, and most importantly, we need to give it all over to God and let HIM handle it.  If we rest in Him and follow his leading, it's the BEST place to be.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (30)  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

One More Post Today............ Let's Try To Make Our World A Better Place To Live In.........

Hi Gang!

While I thought I was done blogging today, it's just been so strong on my heart this afternoon to post one more time.

Let's face facts......We ALL have issues.  I don't care what color you are, what race you are, what body size you are, how tall or short you are or how young or old you are.  WE ALL HAVE ISSUES.

While this is true, it doesn't mean that we can't or shouldn't still put our best foot forward and try to make today better.

Have you heard the saying, "Hurting people hurt people"?  Painfully enough, it's very true.  Some people who are having issues in their lives, no matter how small or how large, can sometimes be resentful of others who have been blessed with something they themselves haven't been.  "Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours shine any brighter."  That's another wonderful saying and so very true.  Remember, we're ALL blessed, just in different ways. 

While you may have a million dollars and I may be dirt poor, it doesn't give me the right to bad mouth you.  Bad mouthing you DOESN'T fill my pockets with money AND it makes ME look bad because I'm not being a person of integrity.

I may post a picture of some beautiful flowers on FaceBook that I've received.  It doesn't give you the right to talk ill of me because you didn't get flowers and it isn't going to make someone run out and buy you flowers because of it. 

I think today's society has forgotten what it's like to JUST BE NICE and to be HAPPY FOR ONE ANOTHER.   I see it all the time and hear stories almost daily of these types of situations happening.

For 2017, let's ALL try to be nicer, to speak life and love into others, to be happy for people when good things happen in their lives and to be a source of support when things aren't going so well.  Trust me, you reap what you sow.  If you sow bitterness, you will reap bitterness.  If you sow anger, you'll reap anger.  But if you sow kindness and love, you'll reap kindness and love.

He who sows iniquity will reap sorrow, And the rod of his anger will fail.

 James 3:18
Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness.

One other old saying is, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.".

 Philippians 4:8 [Full Chapter]

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Let's try to make our world a better place to live in and be kind to one another.  Open a door for someone; tell someone they look nice; bake a treat for a neighbor; send a card to someone you haven't spoken to in a while.........

These are just a few things, but I know you'll definitely think of more.


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And Boudreaux's Butt Paste.................


I hope you're having a great start to the new year since it's only day 3.  

A friend of mine is very sad today as he and his wife will be putting down their beloved dog.  She's been quite ill and I have to say that it's one of the HARDEST decisions anyone has to make.  

Some say, 'It's ONLY a dog'...... In the broad spectrum of things, that's true.  It's not a human being, but just the same, they become part of your family.  Dogs (or any pet) are so excited to see you when you arrive home, love to play with you and hang out with you and only want love and food in return.  They don't try to use and abuse you the way some people try to.  And when it comes down to having to make such a difficult decision, the heart just aches.  Sending my love and prayers to my friends during this difficult time.  NOT a nice way to start out the new year for sure.

On another note...............

Many of you probably read the title of this blog and saw Boudreaux's Butt Paste and thought................................. "What the heck is THIS all about?".  Well.......................

Towards the end of 2016 I ended up with a heat rash under my right breast.  It was TERRIBLY PAINFUL.  I kept looking on YouTube for a solution, something I could do at home to help myself because at the rate it was going, I was going to be headed to the hospital.  

I found this video : (She does not use the same product that I've used, but gave me the idea and I wanted to give credit where credit is due! Thanks!)

She explained that she used a diaper rash ointment.  I could hardly believe I hadn't thought of that!!  DUH ME! LOL

So............ off to the store I went and found this:
I purchased the maximum strength Boudreaux's Butt Paste.  I was going to get the original, but I decided on the maximum strength due to the severity of my rash.

I took it home, washed underneath my breast, applied a layer of the paste and covered it with a thin wash cloth and put on my sports bra.  Almost IMMEDIATELY it gave me relief.  It has Zinc Oxide as the main ingredient which helps to dry out the area.  It says it "Starts Healing On Contact" and they're SOOOOOOOOOOOO right!

I'm sure this may have been a bit much of a TMI day for some of you, but I just HAD to post about it in hopes that it would help someone else who is in pain.

I'm not 100% healed yet, but about 80% of the way.  It was $5 at Dollar General for a small tube which is so much cheaper than a doctor visit.

Please don't get me wrong!  I, in no way, am against doctors!  God put them here in order to help us and they've helped me MANY times.  I'm just one of those who grew up learning to do what you can for yourself at home first for minor things and if you don't get better you seek medical attention. Please be sure to go to your doctor if you have any major symptoms of any kind!

Anyhoo................ Hope you have a great day and we'll chat again soon!


White Coat Syndrome..........

  WHITE COAT SYNDROME.......... I'm guessing it's mostly just me, right?  Does anyone else get anxiety even days prior to a doctor a...