Friday, January 13, 2017

True Beauty........... Are you still wearing blinders.................

Hello Everyone & Happy Friday to you all!

Today's topic is not about beauty products, although I DO enjoy them. LOL

Today is about whether or not you're still wearing your blinders. 

WHAT?  You're probably asking yourself, what on earth is she talking about today?!?

The old saying, 'Beauty is only skin deep', couldn't be further from the truth.  True beauty is measured on a facet of many different levels.

Barbie is just one example of how many people view beauty.  Perfect blonde hair, perfect skin, perfect shape, etc.....

ATM (America's Top Model) is another example, looking for those 'beautiful' people.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  What someone else may find someone extremely attractive, I may not see them that way in the least, at least from the outward appearance only.

Our society, with the explosion of the social media platform, is driving people to look more and more for the 'perfect' mate.  I hate to burst anyone's bubble, but there are NO perfect people.

When we look at someone's exterior, (a 'Barbie' type person) we may get a false sense that they have their lives together, everything is perfect and they have no issues because they're thin and beautiful.  They no doubt have love in their life and a bank account full of money with all the finer things in life.  This is most likely a pipe dream.

Whether you're tall, short, fat, thin, etc........ we ALL have issues.  Somehow, our culture has pounded it into us that everything will be amazing if you're thin and beautiful.  It also makes everyone who isn't, ( a great percentage of us ), feel less-than, that if we're not a certain size we can't possibly find love or a great job or happiness.

I do know, however, that this same type of feeling goes for those who are thin and can't seem to gain weight.  They feel awkward and out of place when someone comments about how thin they are and why don't they eat more to put on weight.  Many people in that situation have a super high metabolism and just can't gain weight.  They feel less-than as well and that's a crying shame.

All my life I've been overweight.  I weighed around 8 lb 14 oz when I was born, so I started out life heavier than many babies.  I am the youngest of 4 children.  My siblings would say I was spoiled.  Of course, I've never felt that way.  Growing up I was ridiculed about my weight either by family members or kids at school.

I remember in 5th grade, our teacher made us each come up to the front of the room to get weighed in and she stated out loud what each one's weight was.  When it was my turn, I wanted to crawl under a rock and die.  My teacher announced to the class "150 lbs".  Oh how I wish I only weighed 150 lbs now! LOL  I felt absolutely horrible.  I don't even remember WHY we had to get weighed in or WHY she felt the need to announce mine and everyone else's weight to the entire class.  It was extremely humiliating.  Other kids laughed, which made me feel even worse.  And of course, it carried on throughout junior high and high school.  Kids can be extremely cruel........

I can remember being in high school and stepping on the scales at home seeing 170.  I thought, "There's NO WAY I'm going to get to 180!!".  Then, wouldn't ya know, 180 I was.  Then I thought, "There's NO WAY I'm going to get to 190!!".  Yep, you guessed it, before long that was the reflection on the scale.  Again, I was adamant that I WASN'T going to get to 200.  You can see where we're going here, right?

My entire life I've watched my weight climb.  There were a few times in my life where I did extreme diets and lost weight only to gain it all back plus some.

While part of me would like to lose weight to feel better, look better, be healthier, part of me doesn't because this is all I've known my entire life.  It's familiar to me, comfortable.  It's also been a barrier to keep some people away.  Unless you've walked a mile in these moccasins, it probably won't make any sense.  If you have, we walk this journey together!

Do I feel truly beautiful?  On the inside, yes.  I have a warm, compassionate heart.  I like to help people and listen to their fears as well as their excitement.  I'm a peacemaker and try to be a peacekeeper.  I truly like who I am on the inside.  On the outside, not always so much.  I'd be ok if no one ever saw me. LOL  I'm perfectly fine coming home after work, closing and locking the doors and being by myself.  It's my safe place.  No one can hurt me there when I'm alone.  Does that make sense or am I just babbling?

Ok, yes, I'm just kind of babbling, but there is truth in the babble if you can read between the lines.  I've learned to look for the true beauty in others.  Are you kind, considerate, caring?  Are you honest and have a good sense of humor?  These are some of the things I consider TRUE BEAUTY.

When I was in high school I had my 'blinders' on.  As I get older the blinders have fallen off & I can now see beauty where I couldn't before and I hope you can too.

I pray that you are healthy, that you're happy, that you're safe, and most importantly, I pray that you have PEACE in your life. 💜

Until we meet again my friends, have an awesome weekend!



  1. My dear sweet Penny...I adore your posts. Actually for the past few weeks I have been checking in on this page (which I have bbookmarked on my phone) several times a week. I look forward to reading your posts and I'm not one who reads blogs often. I love your transparency and openness. You are such a blessing and a treasure! When I read your posts, your heart just shines thru with a hug?! I also enjoy your make up reviews...I am so inspired by all of this. Your voice in social media land will be something God uses to bring freedom and healing to people who you would never have an opportunity to meet and encourage otherwise.
    'Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.'Jeremiah 1:9
    Keep shining, beautiful friend...Love you!!!��~RobinL


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