Wednesday, January 18, 2017

What are YOU looking for?.........................

Happy Hump Day Everyone!

I hope this finds you all doing great! 💃🎉🎉🎉

Something that's been on my mind for a while now has been the thought, "What am I looking particular, in a relationship?".   Sometimes I think I know and yet something will happen and I'm like, "I don't really like what's just happened or agree with what's been said, so why did I go along with it?".

I sometimes feel as though I'm afraid to speak my own opinion on things.  It's as if speaking my opinion will somehow hurt someone or anger them.  This could very well be the case.  Part of it goes back to the thoughts I spoke of yesterday of not wanting to hurt or upset someone by taking on the issues on my own.  The only problem with that is that I'm expecting the other person to read my mind, to know exactly how I feel without me having to speak one word.  Unfortunately, life just doesn't work that way.

While I may be afraid to speak my true feelings, in the end I'm hurting myself and my relationship with the other person.  How can things possibly get resolved if the truth isn't spoken?

 John 8:32
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Some of you may be saying, what in the world do you mean?  Well................. for example, if my sibling and I are discussing the care of a loved one, maybe my sibling thinks it would be best to take our loved one to a certain hospital.  I may not agree.  If I don't speak forth (in love, {gentleness, peace, kindness}  of course) what's on my mind, how is my sibling to know how I feel?  No one is a mind reader.

It comes down to a feeling of confrontation.  I, for one, HATE confrontation.  It's a very uncomfortable place to be in.  I always feel that if I confront someone in a situation, it's just going to end up in an explosion.  I've thought of multiple ways that the discussion can go sour.  I neglect to consider all the ways that things can go in a positive direction.  

In my example above, sharing the information I have with my sibling about the hospital they're considering for our loved one can shed light on things my sibling may have had no knowledge of.  Maybe I know of instances of abuse or neglect.  Not sharing that information hurts me because it rides on my conscience, it angers my sibling if that information wasn't shared sooner and ultimately hurts my loved one going to that particular hospital by receiving terrible treatment.  (NOTE: This is just for example purposes only and has no underlying meaning in my personal life.)

The bottom line is, it's a chain reaction.  Honesty is the best policy even when it feels uncomfortable to share.  

After going through years of verbal abuse from many angles, I've shut myself off from speaking my feelings.   It's either because of fear that it will cause an explosion or fear of being ridiculed & called stupid.  I need to step out of my comfort zone in my relationships and speak my feelings both for myself and for others.  

Have YOU ever felt like this?  Maybe it's a sibling or a spouse/significant other, friend, boss, co-worker, convenience store clerk, etc.....  You can definitely tell them how you feel, but just be sure to walk in love when you do it {in gentleness, peace & kindness}.  We can convey our feelings without being nasty about it.  As I've always told my children, It's not WHAT you say, but HOW you say it that makes a HUGE difference!

As far as what I'm looking for in my love relationship, I'm still trying to figure that out! LOL  I want to be loved just for who I am.  

Ok, in a fantasy life, I'd love to travel the world and see exotic places and be doted on like a queen never having to worry about money or time and be so head-over-heals in love and him the same with me, just spoiling me.  LOL  

I'm trying this honesty thing out.  How am I doing so far? LOL

Anyway.......I pray that you're happy, that you're healthy, that you're safe, and most importantly, I pray that you have P-E-A-C-E in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, have a great remainder of your day!

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