Friday, January 27, 2017

Leave A Little Sparkle...................

Hi Gang!  HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!!!!  Woot Woot!!

I hope you've been having a great day and are excited for the weekend like me!  Because I work away from home, peaceful time spent at home is so special to me. 

Let's talk about 'Quiet Time'.  You're saying...."What??". 

No matter who you are, what your age, where you live, what you do for a living.......... We ALL need 'Quiet Time'.  It's a time that we need to take to just shut out the world and all the noise that goes with it. 

A few years ago I spoke with a young newlywed who told me she had a hard time being alone and thought I was a bit of a nut for saying that we all need quiet time.  She's since had a couple of children and came back to me to say she finally realized what I meant.

It's not only parents that need quiet time, but everyone.  I do remember as a parent, however, that special time in the evening when it was bedtime for the kids.  It was a time of peacefulness to sit in the quiet and enjoy an hour or two before heading to bed myself. 

Having quiet time gives your mind and body a chance to rejuvenate from all the craziness of the day.  There's just something about sitting in the still of the day.  You can have some devotional time and just a time of thinking about absolutely nothing.

Do you ever feel that there are so many things that people are trying to force you to think about/focus on?  Sometimes my brain just goes into overload and I have to back away and get quiet somewhere.

I'm the type of person who craves peace and to have things going along in life on an even keel.   I can get so filled with anxiety when I feel pressured.  I know I'm not unique in feeling this way, but I can only speak from my own personal experiences. 

One thing a friend taught me a few years ago is the fact that it's OK to say 'NO'.  You're probably scratching your head or laughing at me knowing that it's always ok to say no.  'No' can be a very difficult word to say.  So many people want you to do things, go places, commit to doing something, and rather than let them down, we can have a strong tendency to say 'Sure! No problem!  I'd love to!', while deep inside we're saying, 'No!  I really don't want to do anything today.  I'm super tired and have no more energy to expend and I'd love to go home and curl up on the couch or go back to bed.' 

I have learned, over time, that it's perfectly fine to say 'no' and the world won't fall apart and the person won't be mad at me.  Yes, maybe they'll be disappointed, but definitely not mad. 

Previously in my lifetime if someone got upset with me, I felt the whole world crashing down around me and felt like the most horrible person.  It would send me into anxiety, tears, fidgeting and looking for something to clean in the house to feel useful.  Unfortunately there wasn't much realization on their part of the mental hurt they inflicted on myself and on others.  As long as they got off their chest whatever was bothering them, they felt better with no regard to what it had just done to me.  Words can cut deeper than a knife.

In my current love relationship, I've often asked him if whatever I've said or done is upsetting to him.  He's always said no and asks why I would ask.  He's been so wonderful to me and it's just taking time for me to realize/re-program my mind to know that not everyone mis-treats people they 'love' and for my mind to realize that mis-treatment ISN'T LOVE.  When you're told something over and over and over, you eventually believe it to be a true statement even if it's not.  It becomes your reality, and to re-program those old thoughts in the mind takes time.

This brings me back to stressing how important Quiet Time is for ALL of us.  The other thing to remember is to be KIND to those around you.  We have no idea what those that we encounter are going through.  They may have had a death in the family, a divorce, an accident, loss of a job, ......... whatever it is, it can bring out a not so great side of the person going through it, so we need to extend an olive branch to those we encounter to try to make their day just a little brighter.

Ok.... enough with all the heavy blogs lately. LOL  I'll be getting some pics this weekend and doing subscription box reviews to lighten things up a bit. :)

I pray that you're healthy, that you're happy, that you're safe, and most importantly, I pray that you have P-E-A-C-E in your life.

Until we meet again my friends, enjoy YOUR quiet time and be sure to be nice to those you encounter.

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