Saturday, December 10, 2016

BoxyCharm ~ December!! ...... SNEAK PEEK.........

Happy December 10th, 2016......

Today you're getting 2 blog posts because I really wanted to share what arrived last night in the mail!  My December BoxyCharm box arrived and I am ABSOLUTELY EXCITED!  THIS is what subscription boxes should be like!

This box contains #ButterLondon , #PureCosmetics , #BeautyForReal , #OfraCosmetics , and #ThriveCausmetics !!!

In a day or two I'll post swatches and thoughts about the colors of the products in this box.  I just couldn't wait that long to share what was IN the box. LOL  I'm like a kid at Christmas!  I should have saved it, wrapped it and put it under the tree for myself, but I'm not that patient to wait.

Did YOU get a BoxyCharm box this month?  If you did, let me know what was in YOUR box too! 

Excited to swatch.......


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