Sunday, December 11, 2016

Tarte Shape Tape.............

Happy December 11th!

We're another day closer to Christmas.  How's your shopping, decorating and wrapping coming?  My tree is up and PART of my gifts are purchased, but NOTHING is wrapped yet!  I'm a bit of a procrastinator, but I'll get it done.  I seem to work better under pressure. LOL

Today I'm doing a review on the Tarte Shape Tape Concealer...........

This is one of the fastest selling products I've seen.  I was able to get my hands on one to give it a go.  It's quite light for my skin, but once I blend it out, it works well!  This is definitely a product where a little goes a LONG way!!

As you can see by the picture, it has a larger doe foot applicator and is a relatively thick formula.  I use the bottom of my sponge blender (purchased for $1, YES, only $1 through to blend it out.  For me this works quite well.  { We'll talk more about this cool website tomorrow! }

While a bit on the pricier side at $24, this concealer it will certainly last you quite some time.  I can see why it's selling out like crazy.  

Have YOU used the Tarte Shape Tape?  If so, what are your thoughts?  I'm loving it so far.

Christmas Cheers!


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